Money in Madagascar: the Ariary, Cash, ATMs, Orange Money + MVola

Paying for things in Madagascar isn’t as straightforward as in many other countries. Here’s how to get your hands on fat stacks of Malagasy Ariary, how to use the mobile money apps in the country, and how to identify when people are quoting prices in Malagasy Franc (†2005). Using money in Madagascar is very intertwined with having a Malagasy SIM card, so check out that article as well. Contents1 Intro to The Ariary—Paper Money Only2 Costs and Dual Pricing3 Communicating Prices with Malagasy People3.1 Recognizing when people quote in the old Malagasy Franc (FMG)3.2 When people quote prices in Euros, … Continue reading Money in Madagascar: the Ariary, Cash, ATMs, Orange Money + MVola