Hitchhiking Serra da Estrela Mountain in Portugal

Delayed Gratification In summer 2018, I wanted to hitchhike to the highest point of mainland Portugal. It’s a mountain named ‘Serra da Estrela’, which can be translated as ‘Star Mountain Range’. A peak called ‘Torre’ is the highest point at 1993m above sea level, which isn’t too shabby – but also won’t cause trouble breathing. My partner Jonas and I were staying in Porto, which is only 200 kilometers from the mountain peak. Back in October 2015, I was also in Portugal, but more south in Lisbon and Cabo da Roca. Back then I did some research into what theContinue reading

Kayak Trip Day 50: Mohács in Hungary to Apatin in Serbia – We Meet Again, Danube

The events in this story happened on Thursday the 28th of March, 2024. We paddled our inflatable canoe Zucchini from Mohács in Hungary to Apatin in Serbia. This was our first kayaking day down the Danube of 2024 and a continuation of this trip in 2019. We intend to paddle to the Black Sea in 2024 this year. Since we’re crossing from a Schengen country to outside of the EU, this required some paperwork at the police. Contents1 Our (Second) Stay in Mohács2 Hungarian Immigration + A Call with a TID Participant3 Leaving Mohács for Apatin: Day 50 or DayContinue reading

Kayak Trip Day 54: Ilok to Bačka Palanka to Novi Sad – Goodbye Croatia, Hello Serbia

Our 54th paddle day was on Wednesday, the 10th of April, 2024. Our hosts in Ilok helped us cross the land border bridge between Ilok and Bačka Palanka to get the paperwork right. They dropped us off at a suitable launch spot on the Serbian side and we immediately began paddling to Novi Sad. This was our fifth day on the Danube in 2024 and our 54th day in total. Contents1 Croatia to Serbia via the Ilok–Bačka Palanka Bridge2 Kayaking Out of the Croatian–Serbian Border Zone3 Making Distance4 Two Ferries + Paddling Past Fruška Gora5 Dredging Fuckery6 Entering Novi SadContinue reading

Johor Bahru: The Best Vegetarian + Vegan Restaurants

Johor Bahru (JB) is a great place to hang out for vegetarians and – to a lesser extent – vegans. During this pandemic, we tried out many veggie places in person and by delivery. These are our recommendations. Click here to scroll down to the map of Johor Bahru with all the vegetarian-friendly restaurants. Click the + below to learn more about the meaning of the emojis, dietary restrictions and intolerances, and a disclaimer. Note that we stayed in Johor Bahru during the COVID-19 pandemic. Restaurants aren’t ranked in a specific order. Contents1 Life Ricette 🥬🛵🚶‍♀️2 Kuai Le Zhai 🥬🚶‍♀️🛒🤑3Continue reading


  Watercolor map credit goes to maps.stamen.com. One regions photo comes from Amir Asakeev on Unsplash. Read more >

(Hitch)hiking Monte Verde, São Vicente

The Setup Monte Verde is the highest peak on the island of São Vicente, Cabo Verde. As the bird flies, it’s only 6 kilometers 744 meters east of Mindelo, the island capital and Cabo Verde’s second-biggest city. The mountain and its plants are protected inside the Parque Natural Monte Verde. The island main ‘ring road’ surrounds the entire mountain, and is a cool trip for one or two people in itself; you can hitchhike, take an aluguer (minivan/pickup, public transit), or rent a scooter/car for a day to see basically the entire island. The peak of Monte Verde is quiteContinue reading

Hitchhiking Bucket List: #6 Ice Road (Truckers?)

Places that are hard to reach fascinate me. You might know that I’ve already been to the largest city unreachable by road—Iquitos in Perú. That journey from Pucallpa to Iquitos and from Iquitos to El Coca in Ecuador takes several days by boat. But what about areas that freeze? Some locales I’ve been dreaming of for a long time are only accessible by seasonal ice road. And yes, I’m looking at you, Yakutsk. Yakutsk in the Sakha Republic of Russia is the second-biggest city that is not (yet) reachable by permanent road. In the summer, they have car ferries across theContinue reading

Как продлить туристическую визу на Маврикии (90 дополнительных дней!)

В этой статье подробно рассказывается, как продлить туристическую визу на Маврикии. Мы (владельцы паспортов ЕС) получили продление 90-дневной. Это продление туристической визы на Маврикии было в дополнение к нашим первоначальным 90 дням, всего 180 дней. Чтобы пропустить наш опыт и узнать, какие документы вам нужны, нажмите здесь. Если вы ищете информацию о том, как получить годовую премиальную визу, прочитайте специальную статью. Я перевела эту статью с английского (ваши отзывы/исправления приветствуются). Чтобы прочитать оригинал 🇬🇧, нажмите здесь: “How to Get a Tourist Visa Extension in Mauritius (90 Days Extra!)“ Contents1 Как получить первые 90 дней на Маврикии?2 Неудачная попытка! Как НЕContinue reading


Here you can find snippets of some of the interviews I've done. The main topics are hitchhiking, solo travel, offbeat travel, remote work, and lately also couple travel and kayaking. If you want to do an interview, please read my interview guide before contacting me. The Interviews Recent Interviews (2020) [su_note note_color="FFFFFF" text_color="000000" radius="0"] Linda who interviews travelers for a Chinese-language WeChat blog contacted me to ask me about hitchhiking, kayaking, and general travel topics. You can read it here if you understand Chinese or use Google Translate to translate the page to get a nice translation and some insights into a few cultural differences. Reading the observations she made for her audience was quite enlightening for me as well.[/su_note] [su_note note_color="FFFFFF" text_color="000000" radius="0"] Anette from the Norwegian-language website KK.no sent me some questions about my hitchhiking journeys. You can read it here if you understand Bokmål or use Google Translate translate the page to get a rough idea of what it says.[/su_note]… Read more >