This little fellah – a literal book worm – was reading along with me last night. I led the bendy boy off the page and onto a wall to not squish him. I’m reading the book The Price of Salt/Carol that Aleksandra had lying around her place by torchlight. It’s basically about two women on a road trip, which makes my thumb a little itchy to hitchhike on to Albania. I’m slowly preparing to leave Aleksandra’s elaborate hospitality here in Kruče. I didn’t meet her via CouchSurfing, but this has been my longest surf so far! Apparently, I arrived here on the 16th of May. That’s quite a long time. I’m not sure if Aleksandra even knows how much she has taught me in these twelve days of hosting me.
I guess if you stare longer at my book worm, you realize that it’s probably not a worm. I’m no lepidopterist, but is it a… caterpillar? What an unfun word is that in English. In Dutch, a caterpillar is rups. And if it’s a particularly cute and small caterpillar, it’s a rupsje. Try pronouncing that. It makes you want to take care of the cute little creature that has a funny walk.
Thank you for the company, rupsje.