Meet Lu Lu, the dog who seriously knows how to chill. She’s Aleksandra’s and she’s one of the sweetest dogs I’ve ever met. She’s quite big, which is why I think she deserves to occupy the outdoor’s bed.
Aleksandra, her dog, and I often go swimming down at the beach. It’s not the best beach in the whole wide world, but it’s petite and secluded. I think that’s more important in a beach. And there’s always a stick to throw to play fetch with Lu Lu. I haven’t seen her on a leash yet, which is also not necessary as far as I’m concerned; she’s a good dog.
Some of the houses in town have become uninhabitable because of landslides in this area. Some people were luckier with mother nature and keep their houses intact. At the coast, the final climb down to the beach is via a ladder that’s in not great condition. Homeowners in other parts of town have completely abandoned their (summer) homes. Kruče has seen better days, but it makes it paradise for part-time squatters like me.
Aleksandra hitchhikes with Lu Lu, which I find quite impressive. Even though I love animals – including dogs – I can’t take such responsibility. That’s why I respect the adventures of Aleksandra and Lu Lu so much.
#couchsurfing #dogsofinstagram #Montenegro #CrnaGora (at Kruče)