Midas the Animal Shelter – Kitten Rescue in Portugal, Part II

Part II: A Trip to Midas This series of posts is mostly a way for me to process the trauma of going through this. If you’re expecting happy travel content, this ain’t it. This story is number 2 in a series of 5. You can find Part I here. Here you can find the subsequent stories about rescuing a kitten in Porto, Portugal: Part III, Part IV, and Part V. Are you going to Porto and would you like to do something good on your travels? You can donate money to Midas via Facebook fundings. Sunday 15th of July Too damnContinue reading

Loss on the Road—Farewell, Ashley

Trigger warning: pet loss, death Oh, how I hate talking about death. Usually, I just pretend that it doesn’t exist and everyone and every being will always be around for eternity. Like there’s not enough people already telling me that I won’t be around for much longer unless I quit hitchhiking and do something normal instead. Traveling—what a selfish thing to do when there are people at home worried sick about what silly shit I am doing now. Why am I not caring and taking responsibility for my aging family instead? Losing Ashley Last week my mother told me thatContinue reading

Corfu Donkey Rescue: A Retirement Community in Greece

During my stay in Corfu, Greece, my host took me on a trip to the Corfu Donkey Rescue (CRD). She sometimes goes there to volunteer. Scroll down to see the wheres, hows, and whats of visiting Corfu Donkey Rescue. I’ve only hung out with donkeys before in Morocco (April 2012) during my short stay there. Our riad owner invited my partner and me to visit his family’s country house. They had a donkey and he sat on the donkey for a bit, presumably to show off. Then my partner did the same. I passed because it felt disproportionate and frankly,Continue reading

Dogs of (Spontaneous) CouchSurfing (Tiranë, Albania)

I love it when my CouchSurfing – spontaneous or official – have pets, such as dogs! Look at this adorably small dog of my host in Tiranë, Albania. It’s so small and sweet and playful. As you might know, I grew up with a dog named Ashley, who is now a bit old but still doing great. I also recently hitchhiked with the humongous dog of my drivers in Romania, which was nice because it was cold until I received dog cuddles. Though getting into a car with a dog present is always a little scary. Will the dog like me?Continue reading

Lu Lu the Dog (Kruče, MNE)

Meet Lu Lu, the dog who seriously knows how to chill. She’s Aleksandra’s and she’s one of the sweetest dogs I’ve ever met. She’s quite big, which is why I think she deserves to occupy the outdoor’s bed. Aleksandra, her dog, and I often go swimming down at the beach. It’s not the best beach in the whole wide world, but it’s petite and secluded. I think that’s more important in a beach. And there’s always a stick to throw to play fetch with Lu Lu. I haven’t seen her on a leash yet, which is also not necessary asContinue reading

Photogenic Street Pups in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Though the concept of stray puppies, dogs, and other pets makes me sad, I love puppies. I love to see them all day, every day. Here in Vrelo Bosne park in Sarajevo, I encountered this litter of sweet photogenic street pups. They were so fluffy and playful and a little sleepy. They reminded me of the pups that lived with us in Vake Park in Georgia. This is also about as good as my photography skills will get, I’m afraid.   But it’s also heartbreaking. The mom dog was nowhere in sight. I’m not sure if these photogenic street pups wereContinue reading

Sibiu to Timișoara: A Fluffy Hitchhiking Companion in Romania

When hitchhiking from pleasant Sibiu to Timișoara, I had a very lucky ride. The driver couple had this very sweet dog that I shared the back seat with. I know, I know… the dog looks like she’s not having a great time or is quite hungover. But I swear the dog was just enjoying my scritches. As this huge dog was a source of heat, I soon had to take off my winter hat, gloves, scarf, and coat to make this work. I’ve been wanting to travel to Timișoara since that first summer hitchhiking trip around Europe in 2013. I’d heard goodContinue reading

Ashley the Sleeping Dog (My Mom’s)

My dog falling asleep in my coat near the cheese. It’s so cute it hurts. Her name is Ashley and she’s been with my mom’s side of the family since I was ten or elevenish. I grew up with her and taught her tricks. I still remember the stink on my fingers of the dog treats I gave to her when she did a good roll or jump. There are loads of memories here. I kind of realized that I never write much about what life looks like when I’m at my family’s. When I’m at my mom’s my daysContinue reading

Turkish Animal Shelter in Hatay, Turkey

I brought last night’s puppy to a Turkish animal shelter in Hatay today. My contact at the construction site took this photo for me this morning before he drove me – under slight protest – across Hatay to an animal shelter (Turkish: hayvan barınağı). That’s why I look so happy. After that, I started the journey with this pup wrapped in my arms in the car and into the shelter. To be honest, I don’t feel good about dropping the puppy off at the Turkish animal shelter. It’s the cruelest thing I’ve done in my life. Upon arrival, there were a lotContinue reading