Dear friends, followers, and fans! I’m currently residing in the small town of Kruče, Montenegro for a couple of days. My friend and fellow hitchhiking nomad Aleksandra and her dog Lu Lu (see photo) host me in this small ghost-ish town. We sometimes practice playing the guitar together. She has an amazing place and leads a simple lifestyle a stone’s throw away from the beach. It’s incredibly peaceful here. I feel inspired as hell with these Montenegrin sunsets dropping into the Adriatic Sea a little differently each day.
Aleksandra hitchhikes together with her dog (mad props!) and we have a lot to talk about. The only place I can get WiFi at is the local pizzeria called Laki (phonetic for lucky) where the owners understand the struggle of internet-dependency of the 21st century 😉 I will post about one time per day now to unplug a little and smell my fresh laundry from today. I’m confident the smell will last. But don’t worry, there will be plenty of cool stories regardless of not being in motion all the time!
The sunsets after swimming are amazing here and I was lucky to capture this picture when Lu Lu wasn’t moving for three seconds 🙂 I’m doing my research on Tirana in Albania now since that city will be en route to Malta! But for now, do you have any other favorite spots for witnessing Montenegrin sunsets? Where should I go when I return to this small country?
Enjoy your morning/afternoon/evening/night as I try to fight off the mosquitoes!
#CrnaGora #outdoors #unplug #wifistruggle #summertime #nomads #seaside #beachtown #chillax (at Kruce Montenegro)