WE ARRIVED IN VALETTA!! It was an exciting 2,5 days hitchhiking the yacht of these two lovely people from Lebanon and the USA. They picked me up from the marina in Corfu and we sailed all the way to the capital of this small island nation: Malta.
I’m very happy to have found them before I might have given up on the whole boat hitchhiking thing. And it was a great way to start learning more about sea sailing and a good test on whether I like being on boats for a long time. The verdict is that I freaking love it!
Now I’m trying to get information on the courses I might take here in Malta so I can hitchhike boats even easier. During the night watches, I read lots of books about sea sailing aboard. I’ve only sailed dinghies and analog boats before this, so all the high-tech equipment was very, very new to me. I’m definitely feeling extremely inspired. And the agreement seems that getting an STCW-95 certificate will definitely help.
First, it’s time to get rid of my sea legs (I’m quite wobbly) and chill a bit before exploring the history of Valetta.
#grexit #barcastop #kerkira #crew #sailor #yachting #sailing #cruising #STCW95 #likeapro (at Grand Harbour)