The events of this story happened on Monday the 27th of May 2019. We paddled our inflatable canoe from Neu-Ulm just across the border in Bavaria to Günzburg. This was a trip of 23.9 kilometers, I think. If you’re lost as to what these blog posts are about and why they’re not about hitchhiking, I suggest starting at Day Zero in Donaueschingen. Contents1 Packing Up2 Preparing to Leave Neu-Ulm for Günzburg (27th of May)3 Our First Lock (Wasserkraftwerk Böfinger Halde)4 Relaunching Our Boat and Paddling On to Dam Two (Oberelchingen)5 Hydroelectric Dam Number Three (Leipheim)6 Arrival in Günzburg, Packing UpContinue reading
Kayak Trip Day 7: Dettingen to Neu-Ulm
This is about our paddle day from Dettingen to Neu-Ulm on the 24th of May, 2019. We paddled a total distance of about 25 kilometers. It was our first state border crossing from Baden-Württemberg to Bavaria. Contents1 Letting the Hochwasser Pass2 Leaving Dettingen for Neu-Ulm3 The Long Stretches Without a Current4 Paddling Past Power Station Two5 The Last Portage at Wiblingen6 The Confluence of the Danube and the Iller7 Arriving in Neu-Ulm8 Packing Up and Checking In to the Hostel in Neu-Ulm9 Please Share This Adventure on Social Media! Letting the Hochwasser Pass We stayed in Dettingen for two nightsContinue reading