The Train from Yangon to Mawlamyine

This train journey occurred on Sunday the 19th of January, 2020. Jonas and I took the train from Yangon to Mawlamyine in Myanmar. “Kyat” and “MMK” both stand for the currency used in Myanmar. Click here to see the map of the route plus some tips. Contents1 A Novel Experiences: Taking a Train2 Getting Tickets at Myanma Railways Booking Office3 Getting to the Train Station4 Getting Out of Yangon5 Level Crossings6 Making Slow Progress to Mawlamyine7 The World’s (Second) Largest Sitting Buddha8 The Most Beautiful Stretch and Candy Throwing9 Approaching Mottama10 11 Arriving in Mawlamyine12 Trains in Myanmar Tips +Continue reading

Between Two Capitals: Hitchhiking from Naypyitaw to Yangon

Events narrated in this article happened on Tuesday the 14th of January, 2020. Jonas and I hitchhiked from the new capital city Naypyitaw to the old one named Yangon. CONTENT WARNING: there are vivid descriptions of vomiting in here. Emetophobics might want to sit this one out. Early Wake-Up The breakfast time in Vegas Hotel Naypyitaw started at 6:30. That was the time we chose to wake up. I didn’t feel very great, but I soldiered on and dragged myself to breakfast. We’d already packed the night before, so the only thing that was stopping us from hitchhiking the 360Continue reading