We’ve got 900 kilometers to go to Belgrade! These few days I’m hitchhiking with an aspiring documentary filmmaker from the Netherlands. She contacted me a few weeks ago since she’s making a documentary about hitchhikers in the 21st century. Something like that. Of course, I’m interested in participating. So I invited her to come hitchhiking with me from Maastricht in the Netherlands to Belgrade in Serbia. We stayed at my friend’s place in Maastricht and then departed for Belgrade. I told her it would take a maximum of two days to complete the trip.
Her documentary tools are a camera with a microphone. We did an interview before at her home in Amsterdam. She’s also interviewing other hitchhikers from the Netherlands and Belgium for her hitchhiking documentary, I believe. I also think this was her first time hitchhiking outside of the Dutch-speaking zone. It was definitely her first time speed hitchhiking a long distance across many, many countries. She’s pretty stoked with how far we already got in this short time. We’re currently in Bavaria, Germany. We’re a little north of Munich (München), so we can drop this old sign and use the Salzburg sign for Austria from now on.
I’ve already hitchhiked to or past Belgrade many times. Last January, I hitchhiked to Belgrade via Poland. Then I quickly had to return to the Netherlands because unfortunately my grandpa had died. Now I’m redoing that trip very efficiently with this lady.
[Edited to add: unfortunately, recording conversations while driving in a car is very tricky. Most of her footage was apparently unusable and she didn’t pursue finishing the documentary as far as I’m aware. If you’re a documentary filmmaker or journalist of sorts producing a story about hitchhikers, you can contact me for an interview.]
#Hitchhiking #otostop #autostop #liften #pitstop #mcdonalds #Belgrade (at McDonald’s (A9 Schweitenkirchen))