What can you expect from accommodation in (southern) Spain as a digital nomad? We booked these places getting some work done and doing fun day trips. We were in Spain between October and December of 2024. Contents1 Sevilla: Salotur Thomas de Ibarra2 Tarifa: Moldy House + Foster Kittens3 Málaga: Central + Bright Apartment4 Melilla: Golden Triangle Apartment5 Unlock the Prices of Accommodation in Spain6 Useful info about accommodation in Spain? You may share! Sevilla: Salotur Thomas de Ibarra Duration: two nights. Book this apartment here on Booking The main reason to fly to Sevilla instead of Málaga to get toContinue reading
Here you’ll find lots of articles about my hitchhiking and kayaking travels in Europe. As you may know, Europe is my ‘homing’ continent where I’ll – like a stinky pigeon – always return to even if I’m trying to stay away from it. And to be honest, it’s not bad; there’s always more to explore.
I undertook many of my trips around Europe while at university in Maastricht (the Netherlands) and Aarhus (Denmark). That’s why I dropped out. I honed my hitchhiking skills here and set the most personal records and firsts such as:
- First solo hitch: from Kirkenes Airport in Norway to Kirkenes town with a military guy with his son
- Longest distance hitched in 24 hours: ~1200 kilometers from Maastricht (the Netherlands) to somewhere east of Lubljana (Slovenia)
- Most hours in one ride: 3 days with one British driver with a rental car in southern Spain and Portugal (his contract said he couldn’t take the car across the border)
- First plane hitch: over Malta (A to A)
- Longest sailing yacht hitch: from Corfu (Greece) to Malta, which was 340 nautical miles over 2.5 days. Here’s my CrewBay profile
Besides hitchhiking, I also kayaked a long distance in Europe down the Danube river in an inflatable canoe named Zucchini. But before I did that trip with my partner Jonas, I returned to university to finish my degree to erase my student debt. Thesis here.
As you can see, it’s not always a fun continent for me; it’s also the locus of worry about the people and pets I’m close to, of bureaucratic fuckery, and of most of my childhood memories. For most of my life, Europe has tied me down. Now I’m trying to experience it from a place of choice and freedom.
If you are not interested in the Danube trip, you can click this link to not show the Danube posts.
Hunyadi/Corvin Castle, Hunedoara: Wonder of the Magyars
We visited Hunyadi Castle, also known as Corvin Castle on Wednesday the 21st of August, 2024. My interest in going here is that its the wonder of the Magyar civilization in the game Age of Empires II. Since the wonder is in Hunedoara in Transylvania and not connected by rail, we did it as a day trip from the city of Deva Getting to Hunedoara from Deva We arrived in Deva from Bucharest the evening before. It was a long train ride. With three nights booked in Deva for two full days, I wanted to frontload the visit to CorvinContinue reading
Kayak Trip Day 65: Orșova to Drobeta-Turnu Severin – Iron Gate I Locks Unlocked!
This kayak trip happened on Monday the 27th of May, 2024. We paddled from Orșova to Drobeta-Turnu Severin on the Romanian side of the Danube in the border area shared with Serbia. We also had to pass through the Iron Gates I dam (Romanian: Porțile de Fier I – Serbian: Đerdap I). Portaging is not feasible, so we had to go through the lock with the big ships! Contents1 Kayaking Through Locks: Research + Stress2 Paddling out of Orșova into the Sip Gorge3 Remembering Ada Kaleh4 Preparation for the Lock: Transponder On5 The Luckiest Timing in History6 Iron Gates IContinue reading
Kayak Trip Day 64: Dubova to Orșova – Decebalus + Tabula Traiana
This kayak trip happened on the 24th of May, 2024. We paddled from Dubova to Orșova on the Romanian side of the Danube in the border area shared with Serbia. Contents1 The Dog That Wouldn’t Let Go2 Romanian Water Police + Kayaking the Little Kazan Gorge3 Mraconia Monastery + Decebalus4 Tabula Traiana + Crossing Back to Romania5 Paddling the Orșova Curve + Arrival6 Arriving in Orșova7 Iron Gate I Lock Info from a Cruise Captain8 Our Stay in Orșova9 Informative read? Consider treating me to a cup of tea!10 Share or save for later? You rock! The Dog That Wouldn’tContinue reading
Kayak Trip Day 63: Svinița to Dubova – Entering Romania + Great Kazan Gorge
We paddled this stretch on Saturday the 18th of May, 2024. In the morning, we departed Golubac and took the ferry from Usije in Serbia to Moldova Veche in Romania, going through immigration. From there, we made a quick stop in Moldova Nouă and Berzasca before we started paddling from Svinița to Dubova. That stretch has a lot of things to sightsee: the Tri Kule ruined fortress, the Great Kazan Gorge, and several caves. Contents1 Ferry from Usije to Moldova Veche: Border Crossing Horror2 Paddling Out of Svinița: Cetatea Tricule3 Before Dubova: Zucchini Has a New Leak4 Kayaking the GreatContinue reading
Accommodation in Serbia: From Apatin to Novi Sad, Belgrade, and Golubac
What to expect of accommodation in Serbia as a digital nomad and/or comfortable kayaker? We stayed in Serbia from roughly the 28th of March till the18th of May, 2024. These are the places we booked to both work online from and rest on our off days during the Danube Kayak trip. Contents1 Apatin: Pegasus Apartments2 Novi Sad: Central Apartment3 Stari Slankamen: Acumincum⭐4 Novi Banovci: Prenociste Dunav5 Belgrade: For the Book Lovers6 Grocka na Dunavu: Apostolović’s House ⭐7 Smederevo: Apartment Centar Exclusive8 Ram: Rajski Horizonti Rooms Ram9 Golubac: Aleksandar Apartments & Rooms10 Unlock the Prices of Accommodation in Serbia11 Share thisContinue reading
How to Get a Serbian SIM Card in a Small Town + Balkan Roaming Tips
We entered Serbia on Thursday the 28th of March, 2024 via kayak on the Danube. The small town we bought a Serbian SIM card in is called Apatin. Here’s our recommendation for a Serbian SIM card, how we got it, and how it works in neighboring non-EU countries. Contents1 Which Serbian SIM Card is Best?2 How We Bought a Serbian SIM Card in Apatin3 Which Yettel Data Packages to Buy as a Digital Nomad?4 Other things to know about the Serbian Yettel SIM card5 Serbian SIM Card FAQ + Internet Freedom5.1 Should I buy a Serbian SIM card at theContinue reading
Kayak Trip Day 62: Golubac to Donji Milanovac – Entering the Iron Gate + Breaking Fifty
We kayaked from Golubac to Donji Milanovac in Serbia on the Danube on the 11th of May, 2024. This is in the border area between Romania and Serbia through the Iron Gate canyon. It’s the first time we paddled over 50 kilometers in one day. Contents1 Seeking a Sailor’s Advice on Đerdap Lake2 Paddling Out to Golubac Fortress + Golubac Gorge3 Canyon Kayaking in the Iron Gate to Dobra4 Theory Will Only Take You So Far5 Tailwind Squalls, Jet Stream Speeds6 1000 Kilometers to Go to the Black Sea7 Arriving in Donji Milanovac8 Miracles: Making the Bus from Donji MilanovacContinue reading
Kayak Trip Day 61: Ram to Golubac Vinci – Giving Up!
We tried to paddle from Ram to Golubac on the 9th of May, 2024. Because of a powerful mountain jet wind called Košava, we didn’t make it all the way to Golubac and eventually settled for a village called Vinci. Contents1 Kayaking into the Romanian Border Area2 Meeting the Košava Wind3 Lunch in Veliko Gradište + Comparing to the TID4 Nutria + Nesting Swans + Romanian Time5 Veni, Vidi, (and Settling Down for) Vinci6 8 Kilometers from Golubac7 Five Nights One Week Nine Days in Golubac8 Informative post? Please consider buying me a cappuccino!9 Thanks for reading! Feel free toContinue reading