I’m Taking a Gap Year from Travel to Finish University

Wow. What a pretentious title. I haven’t updated my blog in a long time because I’ve returned to university. I always knew I had to finish my Bachelor’s Degree in A Whole Lotta Crap one day, and that day has come. Back in December, I flew out of Bogotá to Madrid. Venezuela, Guyana, Surinam, and French Guiana never happened for me. After a few days in Madrid, adjusting back to Europe after more than two years in South America, took yet another plane to go to Frankfurt . I attended Christmas dinners in Germany and the Netherlands, celebrated New Year’sContinue reading

Go West, Young Woman: Cabo da Roca

A cloudy and windy day at the Westernmost point of Europe, Cabo da Roca, Portugal. It has only been a month since I visited Tarifa, the Southernmost point of Europe. Before that, I visited the Northernmost point of Europe in Norway back in 2012. But Cabo da Roca is my favorite “extreme point of Europe”. Mostly because my trip on the back of someone’s scooter rewarded me with such threatening clouds. Dramatic skies are my favorite! Oh, and getting blown away by the wind makes me feel really alive (in a good way). Besides a marker that indeed says “this is theContinue reading

Bombeiro-Surfing in Beja, Portugal (Sleeping at a Fire Station)

So I walked by the fire fighting station in Beja, Portugal, and decided that was the place I was going to sleep at. I’m coining this ‘bombeiro-surfing’ and it results in instant new friends! I don’t speak Portuguese – yet – but I know that ‘bombeiro’ translates to ‘firefighter’. And as you know, ‘surfing’ is short for couchsurfing—but without the help of the CS platform, of course. (See mosque-surfing, yurt-surfing, and café-surfing) But all joking aside, I’d read or heard somewhere that bombeiro-surfing is actually a legit thing to do when traveling in Portugal. I’d link to where I saw it beforeContinue reading

Hitchhiking the Scenic Route in Andalucía

On the move again! I just left Málaga to hitchhike the scenic route towards Granada. Though I might go to Ronda or Gibraltar directly to catch some speed again on my way to Portugal. We’ll see what happens. I’ve no idea where I’m going, but it’s fun to pointlessly hitchhike in some direction just because of a nice mountain pass, though in Spain you can’t be picky. So far the average of 50% rides with foreigners and 50% with locals holds up, which is the highest I’ve ever experienced. I even caught a ride with some Dutch people in thisContinue reading