Kayak Trip Day 63: Svinița to Dubova – Entering Romania + Great Kazan Gorge

We paddled this stretch on Saturday the 18th of May, 2024. In the morning, we departed Golubac and took the ferry from Usije in Serbia to Moldova Veche in Romania, going through immigration. From there, we made a quick stop in Moldova Nouă and Berzasca before we started paddling from Svinița to Dubova. That stretch has a lot of things to sightsee: the Tri Kule ruined fortress, the Great Kazan Gorge, and several caves. Ferry from Usije to Moldova Veche: Border Crossing Horror Paddling Out of Svinița: Cetatea Tricule We started kayaking away from Svinița at 12:34 Serbian time, soContinue reading

Accommodation in Serbia: From Apatin to Novi Sad, Belgrade, and Golubac

What to expect of accommodation in Serbia as a digital nomad and/or comfortable kayaker? We stayed in Serbia from roughly the 28th of March till the18th of May, 2024. These are the places we booked to both work online from and rest on our off days during the Danube Kayak trip. Apatin: Pegasus Apartments Duration: 5 nights. Book Pegaz Apartmanhere on Booking We arrived at the apartment much later than expected after kayaking with a headwind all day and then waiting for a taxi. Luckily, it was self-check-in. This apartment was in an unassuming building from the outside, besides theContinue reading

How to Get a Serbian SIM Card in a Small Town + Balkan Roaming Tips

We entered Serbia on Thursday the 28th of March, 2024 via kayak on the Danube. The small town we bought a Serbian SIM card in is called Apatin. Here’s our recommendation for a Serbian SIM card, how we got it, and how it works in neighboring non-EU countries. Which Serbian SIM Card is Best? Yettel. Also formerly known as Telenor. Back in 2015 when I sort of lived in Serbia, Telenor was also the best. They’re originally from Norway. Back then, I wasn’t the SIM card guru I am now. But I do remember having a Serbian SIM card fromContinue reading

Kayak Trip Day 62: Golubac to Donji Milanovac – Entering the Iron Gate + Breaking Fifty

We kayaked from Golubac to Donji Milanovac in Serbia on the Danube on the 11th of May, 2024. This is in the border area between Romania and Serbia through the Iron Gate canyon. It’s the first time we paddled over 50 kilometers in one day. Seeking a Sailor’s Advice on Đerdap Lake Paddling Out to Golubac Fortress + Golubac Gorge The following morning, we had a coffee and prepared for paddling. It’s not a long walk to our launch spot on the Danube from here and with such little luggage, it was very pleasant. We pumped up Zucchini below theContinue reading

Kayak Trip Day 61: Ram to Golubac Vinci – Giving Up!

We tried to paddle from Ram to Golubac on the 9th of May, 2024. Because of a powerful mountain jet wind called Košava, we didn’t make it all the way to Golubac and eventually settled for a village called Vinci. Kayaking into the Romanian Border Area Getting ready for the kayak day without coffee saved us about half an hour. We were by the river a little before the ferry departed for Stara Palanka with three of our least-favorite street dogs. As intended, we used the ferry’s gravel slipway to launch our boat. We started paddling towards Golubac at 7:27.Continue reading

Kayak Trip Day 60: Smederevo to Ram – Fortresses + Sunken Barges

We paddled from Smederevo to Ram in Serbia on the 7th of May, 2024. This was our 60th day of kayaking the Danube. We are now entering the border area between Serbia and Romania. Leaving Smederevo for Ram We left the apartment in Smederevo and walked to the rowing club. Once there, we started unpacking Zucchini and inflating her. Some kids showed up in sports gear. And then more and more kids showed up. They’re probably members of this rowing club and they have a practice today. We finished setting up Zucchini, and we even took our time by makingContinue reading

Kayak Trip Day 59: Grocka to Smederevo – Headwind + Switching Places

We paddled from Grocka na Dunavu to Smederevo in Serbia on the 2nd of May, 2024. This was our 59th day of kayaking the Danube. For a change, we swapped places in Zucchini the kayak.  Grocka to Smederevo: Just 17 kilometers A bit of a filler day, as we intended it all along. We’re going to paddle just 17 kilometers from Grocka to Smederevo. Smederevo is a city with lots of shops and such things. An excellent place to hunker down for Orthodox Easter, which is scheduled for this weekend—a full five weeks later than Catholic and Protestant Easter. NextContinue reading

Kayak Trip Day 58: Belgrade to Grocka na Dunavu – The Worst Paddle Day… Yet!

Our 58th kayak day on the Danube was on Monday, the 29th of April, 2024. Somehow, we managed to paddle from Belgrade to Grocka na Dunavu in Serbia. Arriving in Grocka It was 17:31 and we had one last break at the latest Y-shaped stick we moored at. We had a six-minute break to let the pump leave our arms. I felt these weird cramps or spasms in my arms. Not the whole arm, just one string of muscle that refused to fall in line and protested today’s kayaking efforts. But we were only 3.6 kilometers away from our finalContinue reading

Kayak Trip Day 57: Novi Banovci to Belgrade – The Last Capital on the Danube

Our 57th kayak day on the Danube was on Monday, the 22nd of April, 2024. We paddled from Novi Banovci to Belgrade in Serbia. Belgrade is the last capital city on the Danube River. I used to live in Belgrade back in 2015, which was part of my original inspiration for kayaking the Danube. Going to Veliko Ratno Ostrvo (Great War Island) was a major goal. Leaving Novi Banovci I woke up with a bright sunrise orange on my face. The curtains were slightly open right at the spot the sun poured through this early in the morning at 5:39. It was beautiful, so IContinue reading