We traveled a bit around the Islamic Republic of Mauritania in February 2025. To work remotely and stay online while traveling, we got local SIMs. Here’s the process to get your own SIM card in Mauritania. Contents1 Which SIM Card in Mauritania is the Best?2 eSIM for (West) Africa: 36 Countries Including Mauritania2.1 Unvetted: Kolet eSIM3 Moov by Mauritel at the Guerguerat Border Crossing4 Trying to buy Moov by Mauritel, Settling for Mattel5 The One Odd Way You Can Get A Mauritel SIM Card6 SIM Card Exchange Offer at the Senegalese Border7 Mauritanian SIM Card FAQ + Internet Freedom7.1 ShouldContinue reading
How to Get the Mauritanian eVisa Introduced in 2025
In January 2025, Mauritania rolled out its e-visa or eVisa regime for tourists to this West African nation. Here’s the ins and outs of obtaining your Mauritanian eVisa, which is the only way you can enter the Islamic Republic Contents1 Mauritanian eVisa Changes2 Applying for Our Mauritanian eVisas3 Crossing the Border into/out of Mauritania3.1 What is a good day to travel to Mauritania?3.2 Do I have to arrive in Mauritania on the arrival date on my eVisa?4 How Long Does it Take to Receive your Mauritanian eVisa?4.1 Help, my eVisa got rejected. What now?5 Entering Mauritania with your eVisa byContinue reading