Gouvia Marina in Corfu, Greece: Sailing Sunsets, Sunrises

D-Marin, which I call “Gouvia Marina” has been my home for almost a week now. I’ve experienced the sunrise and sunset for so many days. Witnessing these daily events here is still so spectacular when you notice that the density of masts resembles a forest. Sometimes, I forget that I’m already on a tiny island in Greece. Corfu feels like the mainland now. My rhythm each day has been as follows: wake up on the deck of the motor yacht. Don’t worry, the owner suggested this to me for finding a boat hitch, so I have their permission. After awaking,Continue reading

Sunrise at Tašmajdan Park, Belgrade (Serbia)

I love this free apartment, this park named Tašmajdan, and this city Belgrade. It’s a city without much bullshit. It feels like I can finally take a breather here in Serbia and work on a few things online in peace before commencing the next hitchhiking chapter. It’s still in development, but I’m very excited about it. Those nights overthinking plans and processing my past trips sometimes result in me witnessing the first rays of sunlight hit the dome of Saint Mark’s Church. It wouldn’t hurt to sleep, but my mind goes to great lengths to avoid routine. With a cigaretteContinue reading