Hailuoto Day Trip from Oulu: Marjaniemi Lighthouse + Keskiniemi Beacon

We visited Hailuoto on Thursday the 14th of September, 2014. It’s a very beautiful and flat island in the northern Baltic Sea in Finland. Contents1 Bus 59S from Oulu to Marjaniemi Lighthouse on Hailuoto2 Marjaniemi Lighthouse +  Coffee3 Hiking Hailuoto’s Forests to Karvo4 Keskiniemi Beacon Tower and Light5 Harrassed by Bugs in the Forests of Hailuoto6 Hyypänmäki and the Struve Geodetic Arc7 Hitchhiking to the Ferry + Return from Hailuoto to Oulu8 Solving the Mystery: Meet the Deer Fly9 Map of Hailuoto Hike10 Was this post useful? Ponder buying me a beer!11 Good read? Consider sharing it with fellow FinnophilesContinue reading

Getting a SIM Card in Cabo Verde

Just looking for the steps on getting your SIM card in Cabo Verde? Click here to scroll down. Prices are up-to-date as of January 2019. By the way, the country code for Cabo Verde is +238 Why do I need a local SIM card in Cabo Verde? In many countries, it’s a good idea to get a local SIM card. This way you have internet on the go, and don’t pay outrageous prices on your foreign SIM. On 15th of January, I arrived in the Republic of Cabo Verde, an island group in the Atlantic Ocean and part of the African continent. HereContinue reading

Last Days of Vake Park: WWII Memorial Statue, Tbilisi (Georgia)

Another sunny September day in beautiful Vake Park, Tbilisi, Georgia. James and I decided to hike up to the World War II memorial statue atop the hill to catch some sun rays. Before they’re gone again. These warm days are becoming rarer and rarer; many days are just too dreary to wander around Tbilisi much further away from my current tent. A few days ago I posted about the decay in Tbilisi, but today I’m feeling very cheery. I can’t believe it’s my first (and last) time going up to this WWII memorial statue… The path below looks directly northwardContinue reading

Maastricht: Wholesome Activities in Spring, Summer, Autumn, and Winter

You might already know that I’ve lived in Maastricht twice, both times as a student. To be precise: from summer 2010 till winter 2013. I returned to the city from January till December 2018 to finish my bachelor’s degree and write my thesis about hitchhiking. Especially the second time around, I focused my efforts to do more wholesome activities amid the fraternity noise and anxious binge-drinking students with quarter-life crises. Here are my suggestions for both residents and people on a short visit: Contents1 How to Get Around Maastricht?2 Maastricht in Spring2.1 Photographing the Blossoms2.2 Cycling to Belgium to DrinkContinue reading

Kayak Trip Day 32: Langenlebarn to Vienna

Events in this article happened on Wednesday the 24th of July, 2019. We paddled our sturdy inflatable boat Zucchini from Langenlebarn in Lower Austria to Vienna, the capital city of Austria. Vienna is also the first capital city along the Danube river. Contents1 Between Langenlebarn and Tulln2 The Coffee Fiasco3 Leaving Langenlebarn for Vienna4 The Beavers5 Arriving at Greifenstein Dam6 Portaging Zucchini7 The Oxbow Lake8 The Second Portage and Compliments9 The Return of The Current10 The Speedbumps, The Ghost Ship, and The Ferry11 A Brief History of the Danube in Vienna12 The Final Stretch to the Donaukanal13 Arriving at Our Airbnb14Continue reading

Street Harassment Abroad: An Introduction

Share this piece if you think it matters! Keep traveling. We know the drill of catcalling in our hometowns and countries and possibly have set up our own systems of avoiding the everyday comments and ‘compliments’ from strangers on our commute. As women or individuals perceived as women – as a collective – we know and even expect street harassment to happen. Once you travel, whether solo or in a group, things become different. Men scream things at you in a foreign language and instinctively you know that it’s street harassment, but as you don’t understand the exact meaning ofContinue reading

I Wrote a Travel Guide and It Has Nothing To Do with Hitchhiking

Long time, no blog! But I have been legitimately busy. I arrived in Uruguay about three weeks ago and decided to first travel around the country, as far and wide as possible. Before that, I was writing a travel guide together with Real Digital Nomad™ (someone who travels and works from a laptop and has enough money not to hitchhike) and partner Jonas about Buenos Aires. Only a few people know this about me, but here it is: I’ve always wanted to write a travel guide. In fact, after I started traveling more often in 2012, my first new ‘dream’Continue reading

How to Get a SIM Card in Myanmar

Telecom and internet are developing very rapidly in Myanmar. Everything we read before we visited the country in January 2020 was already outdated. By the time I hit publish on this article, some information might already be a little off. So here’s the most recent info we acquired. Please leave a comment at the bottom of this article if you have additional or new information about the SIM-card situation in Myanmar. The country code for Myanmar is +95 Contents1 A Brief History of Myanma Telecommunications2 Why Should I Get a SIM Card in Myanmar?3 Which Provider Should I Choose?3.1 ShouldContinue reading