Kayak Trip Day 4: Hausen im Tal to Sigmaringen

This article is about our paddle day from Hausen im Tal to Sigmaringen on the Danube river on Monday 13th of May, 2019. We’re trying to paddle this 2850 kilometer long European river. If you’re wondering what this article series is about, read the article about Donaueschingen, the source of the Danube. To see previous entries, visit paddle Day 1, Day 2, or Day 3. We’re still quite early in this trip! If you want to kayak here yourself, click here to get all the necessary information and steps to get your own permit. The Forbidden Stretch Between Mühlheim andContinue reading

(Craft) Beer in Uzbekistan Guide—Tashkent, Mostly

Nobody travels to Uzbekistan for the beer. But perhaps after this post, you at least know what to do when you find yourself in Tashkent or beyond craving that divine tingly liquid. My focus lied on craft beer from the liquor stores of Tashkent and Samarkand, the live beer places, but I’m also covering the industrial national lagers. Contents1 Microbrewery Craft Beer in Uzbekistan, Ranked1.1 #1 Briz, Wheat Beer (4.5% alc. – 0.5L – UZS: 11.000) Craft Brewing Company1.2 #2 СССР, Red Stout (6.0% alc. – 0.5L – UZS: 12.000) Craft Brewing Company1.3 #3 Honey, Honey Beer (5.0% alc. –Continue reading

Hitchhiking the Donghai Bridge from Zhejiang to Shanghai

These events happened on Sunday the 3rd of November, 2019. We’d taken the bus from Dishui Lake (Dīshuǐ hú: 滴水湖) in Shanghai Municipality (Shànghǎi shì: 上海市) to Yangshan Island  (Yáng shān: 洋山) in Zhejiang province (Zhèjiāng shěng: 浙江省) via the Donghai Bridge (Dōnghǎi Dàqiáo: 東海大橋). After sightseeing at one of the scenic areas, we wanted to hitchhike back the same way to Shanghai. Click here to read about our full 144-hour Shanghai itinerary. Here are all the apps you need before you travel to China. Contemplating Hitchhiking in Yangshan We’d spent a little over an hour hiking around the beautiful rocky area at Xiaoyang Mountain (Xiǎo yángContinue reading

Cabo Verde Itinerary: 7 Islands over 88 Days

This is the summary of our travel itinerary in Cabo Verde from the 15th of January till the 12th of April 2019. We visited 7 out of 9 inhabited islands in Cabo Verde during 88 days. To stay that long, we had to extend our visa on the ground. We’re Digital Nomads, meaning we work and travel at the same time. This also means that we don’t see everything on every island since we spend about one-third of our days working from our apartments. If you’re looking for tips on how to work while traveling in Cabo Verde, check outContinue reading

Kayak Trip Day 11: Donauwörth to Neuburg an der Donau

Events happened on June 2nd, 2019. We paddled from Donauwörth to a town called Neuburg an der Donau. In Neuburg an der Donau, we wanted to camp at the canoe/rowing club in town. We paddled some 32 kilometers that day, which was a new record distance.  Two Nights in Donauwörth We spent two nights in hotel Buena Vista in Donauwörth. Unfortunately, our room of hotel ‘Good View’ looked out on the wall of another building. No natural light entered our room which was wholly depressing. The internet also wasn’t very reliable. To be fair, we had tried to book threeContinue reading

Vegetarian-Friendly Restaurants in Port Mathurin and Beyond

Finding vegetarian food in ‘mainland’ Mauritius is incredibly easy. But is it also possible to maintain a vegetarian diet on the smaller island of Rodrigues? I found out there are quite some restaurants in Port Mathurin and the rest of the autonomous island that serve delicious meatless and fishless foods. Below you’ll find them with a description and a location on the map. These restaurants are in no particular order. All of them are in Port Mathurin unless indicated otherwise. Contents1 What’s the Food Situation in Rodrigues?2 Vegetarian-Friendly Restaurants in Port Mathurin2.1 Rodrigues Friendly2.2 Faratha Chou2.3 Manzé Lakaz2.4 Kafé Rose2.5Continue reading

How to Get a SIM Card in Georgia (The Country, Sakartvelo)

This Caucasus country is becoming quite popular with travelers and digital nomads. Here’s a handy how-to guide for getting a SIM card in Georgia to stay online from Tbilisi to Omalo. Contents1 Do You Need a SIM Card in Georgia?2 Georgian Telecom Providers2.1 Magti2.2 Beeline2.3 Geocell (Silknet)3 Georgian SIM Card FAQ3.1 Where to buy a SIM card in Georgia?3.2 Documents needed and process3.3 Activation3.4 What to do with the contract they give you and full-size plastic card3.5 MyMagti app3.6 Topping up3.7 Spam messages3.8 SIM Card validity3.9 Tethering3.10 Freedom of internet3.11 What about Abkhazia and South Ossetia (Tskhinvali region)?4 Good info?Continue reading

Midas the Animal Shelter – Kitten Rescue in Portugal, Part II

Part II: A Trip to Midas This series of posts is mostly a way for me to process the trauma of going through this. If you’re expecting happy travel content, this ain’t it. This story is number 2 in a series of 5. You can find Part I here. Here you can find the subsequent stories about rescuing a kitten in Porto, Portugal: Part III, Part IV, and Part V. Are you going to Porto and would you like to do something good on your travels? You can donate money to Midas via Facebook fundings. Sunday 15th of July Too damnContinue reading

How To Hitch A Ride On An Ocean Passage

Sailing across an ocean is an adventure of a lifetime. Being able to harness the wind and current to get to a destination is something everybody should experience at least once. I’ve taken many new crew members on my sailboats before on long ocean passages, and for the most part, they all enjoyed them. Some even have gone out and made a career out of sailing. Although finding the right boat and Captain is where it can get a little tricky. In this article, I will tell you my secrets on finding these opportunities to have fun and stay safe.Continue reading