I just said au revoir to my mom, stepdad, and dog as you can see in the picture. It’s always quite difficult, even though I’ve said goodbye many times before; I can’t stop living my life too afraid to leave just in case something happens. My dog is quite an old lady already. I’m sad to leave my family and the Drôme region in France, but it’s time to move to the Ardèche region. That’s where the HitchGathering will begin today!
It’s my first time at this event, but so far I’ve gathered that the HitchGathering is:
- An annual event
- Usually held somewhere in Europe during summer
- Wherever someone organizes
- With the help of volunteers in a Facebook group
- Not tightly organized
- On a plot of land someone offered to host as a temporary campsite
- Similar but not the same to a Rainbow Gathering (I’ve never been to one)
- Ehhh? I also don’t know much more. I don’t think there are
For the last days, I’ve been thinking about how to communicate with my (probably Francophone) drivers why I’m going where I’ll be going. That’s why I’ve decided to call it a conférence des autostoppeurs—a hitchhiker’s conference. I think this name gives the idea an air of legitimacy.
I hope I’ll have enough WiFi there to give you updates on what’s happening in the realm of hitchhiking. If not, assume I’m having too much of a good time to be on the interwebs 😉
Peace, love, and tranquillity,
Iris / Mind of a Hitchhiker
#freecamping #camping #outdoorsy #festival #summertimesadness #hitchhikersunite (at La Caverne)