Hey There, Tashkent?! Kyrgyzstan to Uzbekistan (Semi-Live Blog)

These events happened on Saturday, the 26th of June, 2021. We hoped to fly from Manas International Airport (FRU) in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan, to Islam Karimov Tashkent International Airport (TAS), Uzbekistan. I’m trying to update this blog as a sort of semi-live blog while on the move.  Contents1 Saturday, 26th of June: 60 Days Up, Go to Tashkent, Uzbekistan?!1.1 Goodbye, Bishkek1.2 Taxi ride to Manas International Airport1.3 At the airport1.4 Passport control + security1.5 The flight to Tashkent1.6 PCR test check + immigration + customs1.7 The taxi from Tashkent airport to Tashkent city1.8 Our Tashkent Airbnb2 Friday, 25th of June:Continue reading

Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan?! Traveling from DXB to FRU (Semi-Live Blog)

After 88 days of 90 allowed days in the UAE, it’s time to leave. Jonas and I chose Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan as the next place to go during this pandemic with limited choices. Follow this post for the coming days to see how things are going. Also, the latest date is always on top. Use the table of contents to skip to the date you want to read about. This is a semi-live blog that I’ll update throughout the journey. I’ll add photos once I’m back on my laptop.  Contents1 Wednesday, 28th of April: Arrived in Bishkek1.1 At the AirportContinue reading

Experiences of 2015, #2: The Airplane Hitch over Malta

This is part of a series on my travel experiences of 2015, read #1 about Albania too! #2: The Airplane Hitch over Malta In 2015 I hitchhiked my first airplane over the Maltese islands, which was really cool in terms of getting things off my bucket list and having seen Malta from the sea, the land, and the sky. All from people’s hospitality and generosity! What’s really awesome is to go through security, not at the main entrance, but the back, at the private jet parking. I loved hanging out in the hangars with other plane-aficionados who are painting or otherwiseContinue reading

Malta: My First Time Hitchhiking an Airplane

I’ve seen Malta from the sea, explored most of it overland, and now I’ve seen it from the sky too… what did just happen? I can’t believe it yet either, but I think this was the first time hitchhiking an airplane. But is it hitchhiking if I landed at the same airport? Yes, I’m still in Malta. Let me know what you think by commenting: yay or nay? YAAAAAAY ANYWAY Photo snapped at Airport of Malta Edit from the Future About Hitchhiking an Airplane I took this photo of myself before the flight. Some things happened on that little airplane thatContinue reading