Hey There, Tashkent?! Kyrgyzstan to Uzbekistan (Semi-Live Blog)

These events happened on Saturday, the 26th of June, 2021. We hoped to fly from Manas International Airport (FRU) in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan, to Islam Karimov Tashkent International Airport (TAS), Uzbekistan. I’m trying to update this blog as a sort of semi-live blog while on the move.  Contents1 Saturday, 26th of June: 60 Days Up, Go to Tashkent, Uzbekistan?!1.1 Goodbye, Bishkek1.2 Taxi ride to Manas International Airport1.3 At the airport1.4 Passport control + security1.5 The flight to Tashkent1.6 PCR test check + immigration + customs1.7 The taxi from Tashkent airport to Tashkent city1.8 Our Tashkent Airbnb2 Friday, 25th of June:Continue reading