The Hitchhiking Bucket List: #4 A Truck full of Hay

When hitchhiking through Armenia in summer you would regularly spot these trucks overloaded with hay. Oftentimes, the boys who had put the hay on the truck would ride on top of it for a while before being dropped off wherever they needed to be. They looked comfy as hell, especially because it was a poofy mess and not an organized machine-made hay bale. Connoisseurs will understand the appeal of an artisanal haystack.

hitchhiking bucket list truck full of hay bales

Even though I tried to thumb ‘em down every time I saw them, they never stopped. But I’m willing to lower my standards and go for a machine-made hay bale truck. It doesn’t even have to be in Armenia. Damn, I want it!

Dreaming to hitchhike a truck full of hay stacks

My big dream is to hitch one on top with my summer love. It’s a dream, so all practicalities aside—but we’d be so prepared for this ride by carrying some du vin, du pain et du Boursin to have a little picnic atop the cushy vegetation and just see where we… get off.


overloaded truck full of hay stacks bales dream hitchhiking travel Armenia

Yes, somewhere deep inside, after rippin’ my heart out, dissecting it, and setting it aflame, you’ll find that part of me is still some sort of a romantic. But mostly I’d do this because it would make a cool story, bruh.

P.S. I’m sort of allergic to hay, which would make this experience extra interesting!

P.P.S. Maybe no one stopped for me because I was always smoking beside the road? Cigarette sparks and dry animal fodder probably don’t mix.

Armenian hay truck vardan harutyunyan photography

The pictures in this article do not represent the Armenian hay trucks, except for probably the last one by Vardan Harutyunyan—albeit more stacked and organized than I fondly remember. I sourced all of these from and

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