Kayaking to Île aux Fous, Îlot Hollandais, and Île aux Diamant from Port Mathurin, Rodrigues

We did this paddling trip on Monday the 23rd of May, 2022. The route went from Pointe Monnier in Port Mathurin to the artificial Îlot des Hollandais, Île aux Fous, and Île aux Diamant. All these islands are located in the gigantic lagoon of Rodrigues, Mauritius. Contents1 The Idea to Paddle to Île aux Fous2 Where to Rent a Kayak in Rodrigues?3 Kayak Time!4 Paddling to Îlot des Hollandais5 Paddling to the Main Objective: Île aux Fous6 Hiking to the Beacon of Île aux Fous + Lunch7 Paddling to Île aux Diamant8 The Cave + Peak of Île aux Diamant9Continue reading

Travel Movies I Can Watch Again and Again

Road movies, documentaries, biopics… the easiest way for me to get into the right mood to travel is by watching some films (with popcorn) and then get packing. Yes, travel movies often make everything look a little more pretty and a little less stinky than it was when it happened, but so does Instagram, or this blog to be honest. Nothing Personal directed by Urszula Antoniak A friend recommended me this movie because the main character somehow reminded him of me – and that’s not really a compliment. Anne is living in Amsterdam until she abandons all her belongings to hitchhike toContinue reading

71 Reasons to Visit South America in 2017

Whether you’re a hitchhiker, a digital nomad, or a holidaymaker, South America is absolutely phenomenal. Let’s not hold off on that long-desired trip to the southern hemisphere any longer! Without further ado, here’s your randomly ordered justification to go ahead and get south the coming year: 1. Firstly, pick up fifty shades of Spanish! As a result of colonialism, South America is quite homogeneous language-wise, with Spanish and Portuguese being the most spoken. Or mix ’em up and you get “Portuñol“. Learn just enough Portuguese to make your trip to Brazil easy-peasy with Duolingo or Memrise. So instead you want toContinue reading

5 Essential Online Security Tips for Vagabonds

I would like to thank Iris for publishing this article. Her blog is a great place to follow her fearless and epic solo adventure and an amazing inspiration for female travelers looking to get over the fear of traveling alone. After reading this I recommend you check out her post on tackling sexual harassment when abroad. But first, learn about these online security tips:   For backpackers, hitchhikers, squatters, and couch surfers, we spend such a large amount of our time listening to the fear-mongering of others pointing out the dangers and flaws in the way we chose to live,Continue reading

Old Interview for CatchAWish: Heute Mal Hitchhiking

This old interview about my hitchhiking trips originally appeared on the German website Catch A Wish back in January 2016. Saddia’s website has since gone offline, so I took my interview and republished it on my own blog for posterity. These words were true for me at the time and don’t necessarily reflect how I think about things today. I edited the spelling and formatting a bit to make this interview a little more readable. What were the reasons for you to decide to try hitchhiking? I was on a semester abroad in Aarhus, Denmark, and quite a few ofContinue reading

Yurt-Surfing in Andalucía, Spain

How life gives you awesome people: what began as a spontaneous one-night freecamping invitation after a bad ride, turned into a three-day yurt-surfing adventure with my new friend from Hungary! Turns out she lives at this awesome place hidden in the woods with alternative housing. Housing such as yurts, caravans, and other ‘outdoor furniture’ (Spanish law is strange). The first night I pitched my tent next to her caravan, from where you could even see the Rock of Gibraltar! After that, we crashed at a yurt (i.e. yurt-surfing) at her neighbor’s place, because the winds were too strong. Yurts areContinue reading

A Letter of Advice to Solo Female Hitchhikers

Dear (self-identifying) women and (aspiring) solo female hitchhikers, I usually don’t have solid advice as hitchhiking is very different from woman to woman. Heck, I don’t even identify as a woman per se. Above all, I don’t think of myself as someone in the position to give you advice, especially the unsolicited kind. While traveling – whether that be by hitchhiking or not – you’ll be in situations I have never encountered. Some of my experiences will never happen to you. That’s in spite of our general similar experiences of going through life (being perceived) as women. The advice I’veContinue reading

The Hitchhiking Bucket List: #4 A Truck full of Hay

When hitchhiking through Armenia in summer you would regularly spot these trucks overloaded with hay. Oftentimes, the boys who had put the hay on the truck would ride on top of it for a while before being dropped off wherever they needed to be. They looked comfy as hell, especially because it was a poofy mess and not an organized machine-made hay bale. Connoisseurs will understand the appeal of an artisanal haystack. Even though I tried to thumb ‘em down every time I saw them, they never stopped. But I’m willing to lower my standards and go for a machine-madeContinue reading

Hitchhiking Bucket List: #2 A Containership

Contrary to most popular hitchhiking wisdom, boats are actually hitchable. I have only hitched a 12-meter big luxurious motorboat so far, but that doesn’t stop me from trying to hitch an ocean-crossing containership. These big chonky guys travel everywhere, so the possibilities are endless! What I figured out so far: You’ll need to obtain your STCW-95 (Google is your friend) to flaunt it in people’s faces You’ll probably need to work aboard. I’m not sure if you can still call it hitchhiking then The more experienced you are at sea, A) the greater the chances they’ll take you and B)Continue reading