Chernihiv to Kharkiv via Sumy by Thumb (Ukraine)

These events happened on the 19th and 20th of August, 2021. We were hitchhiking in Ukraine. The first day, we hitchhiked from Chernihiv to Sumy. On the second day, we finished our trip from Sumy to Kharkiv.  Contents1 The Plan2 Day 1: Hitchhiking from Chernihiv to Sumy2.1 Departure to the hitchhiking spot2.2 The angry lady2.3 Hitchhiking to Kulykivka (Sasha)2.4 Kulykivka to M02/E101 intersection at Nizhyn (Vladimir)2.5 Intersection to Bilopillya (Sergei + Valery)2.6 Bilopillya to Sumy (Pyotr)2.7 Exploring Sumy (until it rained)3 Day 2: Sumy to Kharkiv3.1 Packing up, again. Uklon to the hitchhiking spot, again3.2 To Kharkiv? No, butContinue reading