
Welcome to the category of blog posts about traveling in the continent of Africa.

A brief history of my travels there:

  • Morocco: visited in 2012 (I think) for a few days with a girlfriend. I didn’t know about hitchhiking back then so I still have to return one day!
  • Tunisia: visited in 2018 for one week when I had one week of vacation from university. I loved Tunisia and I’m eager to travel back. I hitchhiked once with some great people from Hammamet back to Tunis, with Jonas. Not a lot of time spent, I know, but I had to be back in class the following Monday
  • Cabo Verde: visited in 2019 for 88 days with Jonas after graduating from university. Great times! I hitchhiked a bunch of times on different islands. All distances are very short because the islands are so small. I visited Sal, São Nicolau, São Vicente, Santo Antão, Fogo, Brava, and Santiago. I’d love to go back and visit Maio and Boa Vista
  • Mauritius, Madagascar, and Ethiopia: between 2021 and 2023. Jonas and I were in Mauritius for almost a year on the premium visa

Thank you for coming to the category about Africa. I hope you find something that you’ll enjoy!

Hiking to Farol de Dona Amélia, São Vicente

How to Get There I’d first spotted this lighthouse from the back of a scooter when I visited São Vicente for the first time. I already knew I wanted to dedicate a day to visit the lighthouse upon return to São Vicente after Santo Antão island. The lighthouse is called “Farol de Dona Amélia,” but if you’re in a public vehicle or a taxi in direction of São Pedro, all you need to know is the word Farol – ‘lighthouse’. Everybody knows which one you mean if you’re in the right area. This lighthouse is located on the tip knownContinue reading

(Hitch)hiking Monte Verde, São Vicente

The Setup Monte Verde is the highest peak on the island of São Vicente, Cabo Verde. As the bird flies, it’s only 6 kilometers 744 meters east of Mindelo, the island capital and Cabo Verde’s second-biggest city. The mountain and its plants are protected inside the Parque Natural Monte Verde. The island main ‘ring road’ surrounds the entire mountain, and is a cool trip for one or two people in itself; you can hitchhike, take an aluguer (minivan/pickup, public transit), or rent a scooter/car for a day to see basically the entire island. The peak of Monte Verde is quiteContinue reading

How to get a 90-day visa for Cabo Verde: Part II – the Cabo Verde Visa Extension

Read Part I of trying to get a visa extension in Cabo Verde here. Disclaimer: This article on securing a 90-day visa extension after getting a 30-day entry to Cabo Verde applies mostly to EU+ citizens. This new visa policy only applies to holders of EU, Switzerland, Liechtenstein, Norway, Iceland, and UK passports. Passport holders of other nationalities can still apply to a Cabo Verdean visa at embassies and consulates the regular way. If you don’t want to read the backstory, read The TL;DR or ‘What to bring’ for a summary of findings. The Immigration office in Espargos, Sal We first tried toContinue reading

Hiking Monte Gordo, São Nicolau

The Intention We’d been in São Nicolau for four days. I really wanted to hike up Monte Gordo, the highest point of the island before we arrived. When we flew in from Sal, I already spotted the peak piercing through a thick layer of clouds from my plane seat. Monte Gordo (‘fat mountain’) is the highest point of São Nicolau island, Cabo Verde. It’s 1312 meters high , and of volcanic origin. But don’t worry, it’s dead now. It’s a protected area inside the Parque Natural de Monte Gordo. While São Nicolau is quite a dry island, the areas higherContinue reading

Getting a SIM Card in Cabo Verde

Just looking for the steps on getting your SIM card in Cabo Verde? Click here to scroll down. Prices are up-to-date as of January 2019. By the way, the country code for Cabo Verde is +238 Why do I need a local SIM card in Cabo Verde? In many countries, it’s a good idea to get a local SIM card. This way you have internet on the go, and don’t pay outrageous prices on your foreign SIM. On 15th of January, I arrived in the Republic of Cabo Verde, an island group in the Atlantic Ocean and part of the African continent. HereContinue reading

How to get a 90-day visa for Cabo Verde: Part I

Disclaimer: This article on securing a 90-day visa Cabo Verde applies mostly to EU+ citizens. This new visa policy only applies to holders of EU, Switzerland, Liechtenstein, Norway, Iceland, and UK passports. Passport holders of other nationalities can still apply to a Cabo Verdean visa at embassies and consulates the regular way. If you don’t want to read the backstory, read Part II and click The TL;DR or What to bring for a visa extension. The Escape After spending two winters in Maastricht, the Netherlands, I’m finally freed from that place. I did some courses, wrote a thesis, then fled to Lisbon, Portugal.Continue reading

One Week in Tunis, Tunisia — My First Vacation in 4 Years

Our trip to Tunis, Tunisia happened between Sunday the 11th and Sunday the 18th of February, 2018. Sadly, I was taking a gap year from travel to finish university but still managed to do a few trips here and there. Those trips were proper vacations.  Contents1 One Week at University2 Day 1: Arriving in Tunis3 Walking Around the Medinah of Tunis4 Eating Ojja for the First Time5 Day 2: Exploring Tunis6 A Walk through the Center of Tunis One Week at University After my two-year trip through South America, I returned to Maastricht University in the Netherlands in January 2018.Continue reading

Как продлить туристическую визу на Маврикии (90 дополнительных дней!)

В этой статье подробно рассказывается, как продлить туристическую визу на Маврикии. Мы (владельцы паспортов ЕС) получили продление 90-дневной. Это продление туристической визы на Маврикии было в дополнение к нашим первоначальным 90 дням, всего 180 дней. Чтобы пропустить наш опыт и узнать, какие документы вам нужны, нажмите здесь. Если вы ищете информацию о том, как получить годовую премиальную визу, прочитайте специальную статью. Я перевела эту статью с английского (ваши отзывы/исправления приветствуются). Чтобы прочитать оригинал 🇬🇧, нажмите здесь: “How to Get a Tourist Visa Extension in Mauritius (90 Days Extra!)“ Contents1 Как получить первые 90 дней на Маврикии?2 Неудачная попытка! Как НЕContinue reading