
Here you’ll find lots of articles about my hitchhiking and kayaking travels in Europe. As you may know, Europe is my ‘homing’ continent where I’ll – like a stinky pigeon – always return to even if I’m trying to stay away from it. And to be honest, it’s not bad; there’s always more to explore.

I undertook many of my trips around Europe while at university in Maastricht (the Netherlands) and Aarhus (Denmark). That’s why I dropped out. I honed my hitchhiking skills here and set the most personal records and firsts such as:

  • First solo hitch: from Kirkenes Airport in Norway to Kirkenes town with a military guy with his son
  • Longest distance hitched in 24 hours: ~1200 kilometers from Maastricht (the Netherlands) to somewhere east of Lubljana (Slovenia)
  • Most hours in one ride: 3 days with one British driver with a rental car in southern Spain and Portugal (his contract said he couldn’t take the car across the border)
  • First plane hitch: over Malta (A to A)
  • Longest sailing yacht hitch: from Corfu (Greece) to Malta, which was 340 nautical miles over 2.5 days. Here’s my CrewBay profile

Besides hitchhiking, I also kayaked a long distance in Europe down the Danube river in an inflatable canoe named Zucchini. But before I did that trip with my partner Jonas, I returned to university to finish my degree to erase my student debt. Thesis here.

As you can see, it’s not always a fun continent for me; it’s also the locus of worry about the people and pets I’m close to, of bureaucratic fuckery, and of most of my childhood memories. For most of my life, Europe has tied me down. Now I’m trying to experience it from a place of choice and freedom.

If you are not interested in the Danube trip, you can click this link to not show the Danube posts.

Belarus Is The Dream: 29 Pleasant Summer Days

Why Would You Go to Such a Dangerous Country? (And By the Way, Where is Belarus?) I was in Belarus from July 20 till August 17, 2018 I feel like a broken record, but I’ll repeat it again: if I ever listened to people and their “Oh, but that country is dangerous!” nonsense I’d be missing out on so many amazing experiences. This story is the experience of Belarus: a landlocked country in Eastern Europe bordering Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, Russia, and Ukraine. Most people know it only as ‘Europe’s last dictatorship’ and the last European country that executes the deathContinue reading

Hitchhiking Serra da Estrela Mountain in Portugal

Delayed Gratification In summer 2018, I wanted to hitchhike to the highest point of mainland Portugal. It’s a mountain named ‘Serra da Estrela’, which can be translated as ‘Star Mountain Range’. A peak called ‘Torre’ is the highest point at 1993m above sea level, which isn’t too shabby – but also won’t cause trouble breathing. My partner Jonas and I were staying in Porto, which is only 200 kilometers from the mountain peak. Back in October 2015, I was also in Portugal, but more south in Lisbon and Cabo da Roca. Back then I did some research into what theContinue reading

Hitchhiking Anniversary: 4 Years a Hitchhiker!

Today is my hitchhiking anniversary: it’s been four years since I first put up my thumb to stop a car! I’m applauding Facebook for its ‘memories’ feature that brings up gems like this photo of me catching my first ever ride. I don’t want to sound dramatic, but the event right here in this photo has proven to be quite the life-changing moment. What happened that day four years ago? I guess I’ve never really talked about this on the blog. It may be good to type this up another time. Long story short: I was an exchange student inContinue reading

Experiences of 2015, #3: Tarifa’s Digital Nomad Scene

#3.Tarifa’s Digital Nomad Scene This story about Digital Nomad life in Tarifa is part of a series on the epic experiences I’ve had of 2015. Part 1 is about Albania and Part 2 about hitchhiking an airplane over Malta. I wasn’t even planning to make a stop here until I knew this place is also the Southernmost Point of Europe on Land, but I’m more than happy that I did visit the beach town of Tarifa in Spain. My Samsung tablet had just broken a day prior, so I was “blind” hitchhiking from La Linea, close to Gibraltar, to thisContinue reading

The Netherlands to Berlin, Germany: Sitting, Waiting, Hitching

My backpack has been sittin’, waitin’, wishin’ for a ride to Berlin in Germany! Today I’m hitchhiking from my mom’s place in the Netherlands to Berling in one day. My folks were kind enough to give me a kickstarting ride to this great gas station along the A1 highway. They had people to visit or things to do in the east of the Netherlands, so it’s great that I could join for a short while. I made sure to snap a picture with my sweet old dog Ashley. Like a comet passing by, I used their gravitational force to launchContinue reading

Experiences of 2015, #2: The Airplane Hitch over Malta

This is part of a series on my travel experiences of 2015, read #1 about Albania too! #2: The Airplane Hitch over Malta In 2015 I hitchhiked my first airplane over the Maltese islands, which was really cool in terms of getting things off my bucket list and having seen Malta from the sea, the land, and the sky. All from people’s hospitality and generosity! What’s really awesome is to go through security, not at the main entrance, but the back, at the private jet parking. I loved hanging out in the hangars with other plane-aficionados who are painting or otherwiseContinue reading

Experiences of 2015, #1: Albania! All of it!

It’s almost the end of the year according to the calendar I grew up with. And all the bloggers seem to be doing it. So here’s a recap of my year in hitchhiking, adoring nature, and meeting people! 2015 was not the most exciting year I’ve had in travel; there were a few sad things going on personally. I stayed in Europe mostly as I was trying to hitchhike to all the missing countries I haven’t been to. But suddenly a happy change happened; now I’m in South America continuing the adventures in hitchhiking! There were so many opportunities justContinue reading

Cruise-camping on the Equator

Witnessing a beautiful sunrise on the Mid Atlantic Ocean, just a little south of the equator! Instead of sleeping in the cabin without windows, some fellow hippies on the cruise ship opted for the silty, ocean air on the top deck. As we traveled southward by repositioning cruise, the temperature rose and this became a comfortable option. The night I went ‘cruise-camping’ was by far the best night of sleep I’ve had. And sweet baby Jesus, LOOK AT THAT SUNRISE! Being on a cruise ship for 12 days means being dictated by the breakfast, lunch, and dinner times. On topContinue reading

Packed my Backpack & Ready for Brazil!

I’m packed and ready with my Deuter Aircontact Lite 65+10 Backpack! Thank you, Jonas! This is probably my last update for nine days from the European Union/the African continent… see you on the other side of the Atlantic Ocean! Peace, love, and tranquillity, Iris/Mind of a Hitchhiker 🙂 Jonas took this photo of me in the village of Tasarte, Gran Canaria, Canary Islands, Spain! Right before hitchhiking back to Las Palmas de Gran Canaria.   But in all seriousness, this backpack is pretty amazing. My previous one that I borrowed from my stepfather was also very kick-ass, but quite vintage.Continue reading