Checking in on Foursquare at Schönbrunn, Vienna.
A long, long time ago, I was a full-time student. In the summer of 2013, I joined two friends on a 10-day road trip through Europe. Our route was from Maastricht, through Luxembourg to Strasbourg in France. Then to Zürich in Switzerland, Liechtenstein, München (Munich) in Bavaria, Salzburg and Vienna in Austria.
It was during that time that we made a stop at Schönbrunn castle in Vienna. I was 21 years old and very new to (adventurous) travel. My road trip buddies introduced me to some (by now very basic) tech skills, such as sharing the internet on mobile. Back then, checking in on Foursquare at Schönbrunn castle was really a priority. So I asked my friend to share his internet. That’s when they snapped this picture of me.
Later, we drove on to Bratislava in Slovakia, and then Prague in Czechia. My friends dropped me off at a Klenová Castle in Bohemia, so I could attend the Mongol Rally pre-party in mid-July. I attended the party with the intention to meet some friends who were doing the rally, learn more about it so I could do it by myself in 2014, and hitchhike a rally car out of there.
I did hitchhike a (very full) rally car out of there in direction of Brno. Without a map, I then hitchhiked further out in direction Olomouc and Ostrava to eventually travel to Poland and many more countries in Eastern Europe.
That summer I really learned how to hitchhike and that I wanted to continue doing this.
This article is backdated and precedes the actual creation of my blog.