Iranian Visa: Picking Up My First Visa in Yerevan, Armenia

NOTE: If you want to use this picture of me preciously holding my first visa for an article about getting an Iranian visa and such, read my page about using my content first. Wanted: a visa to Iran YESSSS! I just picked up my very first visa. If you’re new here: I’ve been trying to obtain an Iranian visa for months now, first starting at the Iranian embassy in Tbilisi. I just walked in and asked, but they couldn’t really help me. I went to bureaucratic hell and back and considered hitchhiking to the Iranian consulate in Trabzon in Turkey.Continue reading

Biryuchiy to Heniches’k: A Hitchhiking Detour to the Watermelon State (Ukraine)

After seven days on Biryuchiy Island (actually a peninsula), we left for Heniches’k. Both of these towns are in Kherson Oblast, but to get from one to the other, one must travel through Zaporizhzhia Oblast around the Utlyutsky estuary. The whole route is quite a detour as you can see on the map below. This happened on Thursday the 30th of September, 2021. Contents1 Preparations to Travel to Heniches’k2 The Neighbor Drives us from Biryuchiy Kyrylivka3 Kyrylivka to the Deer Statue4 This Never Rarely Happens5 Tire Change6 The Last Ride to Heniches’k7 Heading into Heniches’k8 Thanks for reading! A share meansContinue reading

Ayasofya Mosque Visit in 2021: from Museum to Mosque—Foggy vs Sunny Day

These events happened on the 5th and 21st of November 2021. Jonas and I visited the Ayasofya (aka Hagia Sophia) on a rather spontaneous basis. This was my second visit to the Ayasofya and my first visit since it became a mosque in July 2020. Click here to read about my Istanbul and Hagia Sophia experiences from March/April 2013. There’s also a breakdown of Hagia Sophia as a ‘wonder’ in the videogame Age of Empires II down below. Contents1 A Change of Plans2 Our Experience Visiting the Ayasofya as a Mosque in 20212.1 Can non-Muslims still enter the Hagia Sophia/AyasofyaContinue reading

Arabat Spit: A Day Trip to Ukrainian-Controlled Crimea with Hot Spring + Pink Lake

These events happened on October 3rd, 2021. Our Booking host in Heniches’k named Yuri offered to do a day trip with us down the Arabat Spit to visit some hot springs and a pink lake. This eventually turned into a little adventure with even more spontaneous stops and detours along the way. The Arabat Spit is geographically part of the Crimean Peninsula, but administratively it’s Kherson Oblast. Russia didn’t annex this part of Crimea back in 2014. Contents1 Ukrainian-Controlled Crimea: Is it Safe?2 Taking a Bus Down the Arabat Spit?3 Driving Down the Arabat Spit (Арабатська Стрілка) with Yuri4 Heniches’kContinue reading

Istanbul City Trip 2013 with Mom (Turkey)

Here are some photos and treasured memories from my 5-day trip to Istanbul, Turkey, with my mother back in 2013. I didn’t have a blog back then, so you figure I added all this much later. Dates of the trip: 28th of March till 2nd of April, 2013. The camera I had during this Istanbul city trip was still my first compact camera, so excuse the quality of the pictures. I returned to Istanbul in 2014 solo and in 2021 together with Jonas. Contents1 Istanbul City Trip Background2 Day 1: Flight to Sabiha Gökçen International Airport3 Day 2: Sultanahmet Neighborhood3.1Continue reading

Hitchhiking Bucket List: #6 Ice Road (Truckers?)

Places that are hard to reach fascinate me. You might know that I’ve already been to the largest city unreachable by road—Iquitos in Perú. That journey from Pucallpa to Iquitos and from Iquitos to El Coca in Ecuador takes several days by boat. But what about areas that freeze? Some locales I’ve been dreaming of for a long time are only accessible by seasonal ice road. And yes, I’m looking at you, Yakutsk. Yakutsk in the Sakha Republic of Russia is the second-biggest city that is not (yet) reachable by permanent road. In the summer, they have car ferries across theContinue reading

How to Get a Tourist Visa Extension in Mauritius (90 Days Extra!)

This article details how we (EU passport holders) obtained our 90-day tourist visa extension in Mauritius. This was in addition to our original 90 days for a total of 180 days. To skip over our experience and find out what documents you need + the address, click here. If you’re looking for info on how to get the 1-year premium visa, read the dedicated article. This article also has a Russian 🇷🇺 translation: «Как продлить туристическую визу на Маврикии (90 дополнительных дней!)» Contents1 How to Get the First 90 Days in Mauritius?2 Failed Attempt! How to NOT Get a TouristContinue reading

Как продлить туристическую визу на Маврикии (90 дополнительных дней!)

В этой статье подробно рассказывается, как продлить туристическую визу на Маврикии. Мы (владельцы паспортов ЕС) получили продление 90-дневной. Это продление туристической визы на Маврикии было в дополнение к нашим первоначальным 90 дням, всего 180 дней. Чтобы пропустить наш опыт и узнать, какие документы вам нужны, нажмите здесь. Если вы ищете информацию о том, как получить годовую премиальную визу, прочитайте специальную статью. Я перевела эту статью с английского (ваши отзывы/исправления приветствуются). Чтобы прочитать оригинал 🇬🇧, нажмите здесь: “How to Get a Tourist Visa Extension in Mauritius (90 Days Extra!)“ Contents1 Как получить первые 90 дней на Маврикии?2 Неудачная попытка! Как НЕContinue reading

Bonzur, Mahébourg?! Traveling from Istanbul to Mauritius (Semi-Live Blog)

On the 3rd of December 2021, we’re hopefully flying from Istanbul Airport (IST) in Turkey to Sir Seewoosagur Ramgoolam International Airport (MRU aka Port Louis Airport) in Mauritius. I’m updating this post as we go. If you’re here for the documents checklist to enter Mauritius, click here.    Contents1 Booking Mauritius2 Omicron Variant Enters the Stage3 PCR Test in Edirne + Onward Ticket4 Day of Departure to Mauritius4.1 Packing + Edirne bus station + ride to Istanbul Airport4.2 Can we have boarding tickets, please?4.3 Immigration and security4.4 Mandatory time-wasting before the Mauritius flight4.5 Gate reveal and boarding5 Flying toContinue reading