
Here you can find snippets of some of the interviews I've done. The main topics are hitchhiking, solo travel, offbeat travel, remote work, and lately also couple travel and kayaking. If you want to do an interview, please read my interview guide before contacting me. The Interviews Recent Interviews (2020) [su_note note_color="FFFFFF" text_color="000000" radius="0"] Linda who interviews travelers for a Chinese-language WeChat blog contacted me to ask me about hitchhiking, kayaking, and general travel topics. You can read it here if you understand Chinese or use Google Translate to translate the page to get a nice translation and some insights into a few cultural differences. Reading the observations she made for her audience was quite enlightening for me as well.[/su_note] [su_note note_color="FFFFFF" text_color="000000" radius="0"] Anette from the Norwegian-language website sent me some questions about my hitchhiking journeys. You can read it here if you understand Bokmål or use Google Translate translate the page to get a rough idea of what it says.[/su_note]… Read more >

Pandemic in Penang: A Play-by-Play from Two Digital Nomads in Malaysia

Before you judge our decision to stay in Malaysia and not ‘repatriate’ ourselves, scroll to the bottom to read our motivations for riding out the pandemic in Penang/George Town. If coronavirus statistics trigger your anxiety, this journal might not be for you. Also, I wrote this, so not everything here reflects Jonas’ views. My sources for Malaysia come from the trilingual news website Malaysia Kini, which has an excellent COVID-19 tracker which adds new functionality almost twice a week, and our elevator. My world stats come from the Johns Hopkins University COVID-19 Dashboard, which unfortunately keeps butchering country names. TheContinue reading

Last Days of Vake Park: WWII Memorial Statue, Tbilisi (Georgia)

Another sunny September day in beautiful Vake Park, Tbilisi, Georgia. James and I decided to hike up to the World War II memorial statue atop the hill to catch some sun rays. Before they’re gone again. These warm days are becoming rarer and rarer; many days are just too dreary to wander around Tbilisi much further away from my current tent. A few days ago I posted about the decay in Tbilisi, but today I’m feeling very cheery. I can’t believe it’s my first (and last) time going up to this WWII memorial statue… The path below looks directly northwardContinue reading

Ukraine to Turkey by Boat: Booking a Black Sea Ferry from Chornomorsk to Karasu

26 February 2022 update: originally published on the 19th of October, 2021. I moved this post to 2022 so this info about the Black Sea ferry from Chornomorsk shows up on the homepage of my blog. Do I recommend taking this boat from Odesa, Ukraine to anywhere else right now? No, I wouldn’t want to be on a ship that says UKRFERRY on the side right now. As far as I know, the ships named Greifswald (link leads to current location of ship), Kaunas, and Vilnius aren’t leaving the port of Chornomorsk at all right now. You can follow theContinue reading

Walk + Work Day 1: Vlissingen to Westkapelle

This hiking day happened on the 16th of March. On our first day of traversing the Dutch coastline, we walked from the city of Vlissingen to the village of Westkapelle on the island of Walcheren. This ended up being a 16.2-kilometer hike. Departing Vlissingen: Meeting the Paalhoofden Though we aimed to leave Hotel De Concurrent at 8:30, it was only at 8:50 that we walked across Bellamypark through some small streets to the waterfront. We walked on the seawall past people on their morning routine going to work while walking out of the city. At the restaurant near the windContinue reading

Should You Flush the Toilet Paper? A Flowchart

I made a little something after encountering a clogged-up toilet and a hostel cleaner who looked frustrated. Perhaps you never even considered your toilet paper’s destiny… but should you flush the toilet paper? I made a cool flowchart to help you determine whether to bin it or flush it! Follow these easy steps: But really. Clogged toilets and sewage systems are a huge problem in many parts of the world – and the traveler isn’t helping the cause. I’ve met a few travelers who were proud to announce they would straight up refuse to bin their used toilet paper whenContinue reading

Kayak Trip Day 14: Vohburg to Kelheim and the Donaudurchbruch

This is a story about the events surrounding our canoe trip down the Danube between Vohburg and Kelheim. It happened on the 10th of June, 2019. We paddled about 30 kilometers between the two towns. Contents1 Our Stay in Vohburg2 Leaving Vohburg for Kelheim3 Paddling Past the Military Base4 The One-Hour Mark Challenge5 Overtaken By the Red Canoe6 The First Ferry and Camping Haderfleck7 Weltenburg – the Last Stop Before Kelheim8 The Donaudurchbruch9 Paddling on to Kelheim10 Arriving in Kelheim11 The Naming Ceremony12 Good Read? Please Share! Our Stay in Vohburg We stayed in the ’boutique hotel’ Zur Post forContinue reading

Kayaking to Pulau Tikus: a Sacred Island near George Town, Penang

We kayaked to Pulau Tikus on the 10th of July, 2020. If you want to know where and how to rent a kayak in Penang, click here. To get tips on what to bring, click here or visit my extensive kayak gear guide if you’re very, very serious. Contents1 The Idea2 Sea Currents, Wind Directions, and Weather Forecasts3 Not the day, not the day, THE DAY!4 Kayaking to Pulau Tikus5 The Shrine of Seyad Mohamed Kuddoos Oliyullah on Pulau Tikus6 Returning to Pulau Pinang and Tropicana 2187 In Short:8 Map of How we Kayaked to Pulau Tikus9 Was This Article HelpfulContinue reading

Getting a SIM Card in Cabo Verde

Just looking for the steps on getting your SIM card in Cabo Verde? Click here to scroll down. Prices are up-to-date as of January 2019. By the way, the country code for Cabo Verde is +238 Why do I need a local SIM card in Cabo Verde? In many countries, it’s a good idea to get a local SIM card. This way you have internet on the go, and don’t pay outrageous prices on your foreign SIM. On 15th of January, I arrived in the Republic of Cabo Verde, an island group in the Atlantic Ocean and part of the African continent. HereContinue reading