We entered Morocco in December 2024 to stay a few months to travel around. Here you’ll find which Moroccan SIM card to buy, how to get one at a shop, and how to set up an eSIM before you arrive so you’re never offline or lost. Contents1 Which SIM Card in Morocco Should I Choose?2 Moroccan eSIM Before Crossing the Spanish-Moroccan Border3 Moroccan SIM Card Options: Inwi, Maroc Telecom, Orange3.1 Purchasing an Inwi SIM Card in Nador3.2 Buying a Maroc Telecom in Fes4 Moroccan SIM Card FAQ + Internet Freedom4.1 Should I buy a Moroccan SIM card at the airport?4.2Continue reading
Azure Window: Looking for a Rocky Freecamping Spot
I hitched to the island of Gozo today and whatever the guidebooks say is true! It’s much calmer and it’s still really hot. I’m now at Dwejra where there are some massive rocks with massive holes in the sea. It’s apparently called the Azure Window and it’s one of Malta’s most-famous tourist spots. Honestly, so far Gozo has been almost a little too quiet. That’s because all the tourists have been hiding here, I guess? There are so many sailing boats anchored in safe bays or dotting the horizon on their way to safe anchorage or elsewhere. I love itContinue reading