Danube Kayak Trip Interactive Map

Want to travel the (entire) Danube River in an adventurous way? Join our Facebook group Danube River Source to Sea: Kayak / Canoe / Bike / Hike / Sail to find your community This is the fully-operative map of our Danube trip so far! You can use the left-side panel to summon or dismiss the information you’re looking for. I included information about the route, the distance, the obstacles in between, the places we’ve stayed at, which stretches require a permit, and which parts we (had to) skip on the Danube. Each paddle day has its own related blog postContinue reading

Privacy Policy

1. An overview of data protection General The following gives a simple overview of what happens to your personal information when you visit our website. Personal information is any data with which you could be personally identified. Detailed information on the subject of data protection can be found in our privacy policy found below. Data collection on our website Who is responsible for the data collection on this website? The data collected on this website are processed by the website operator. The operator's contact details can be found in the website's required legal notice. How do we collect your data? Some data are collected when you provide it to us. This could, for example, be data you enter on a contact form. Other data are collected automatically by our IT systems when you visit the website. These data are primarily technical data such as the browser and operating system you are using or when you accessed the page. These data… Read more >

Myanmar Itinerary: Maxing Out Our 28-Day e-Visa

This article sums up our four-week journey through Myanmar in Southeast Asia. As we’d bought a Myanma e-visa before we left, we maxed out our 28 days. We traveled in the month of January (dry season) from the 3rd till the 31st. Though we mostly traveled by hitchhiking, we also took one cruise and one train to spice things up. We always planned and booked one week in advance. You may steal this Myanmar itinerary! Contents1 Day 1: Arriving in Mandalay from Chiang Mai2 Day 2–4: Mandalay3 Day 5: Down the Irrawaddy River to Old Bagan4 Day 6+7: Old BaganContinue reading

Kayak Trip Day 40: Kúpele Patince to Štúrovo

The events in this story happened on Monday the 19th of August, 2019. We paddled from a Slovakian resort town called Kúpele Patince to Štúrovo, also in Slovakia. This stretch of the Danube river forms the border between Slovakia and Hungary. Across the bridge in Štúrovo is the (more famous) Hungarian town of Esztergom. This was a distance of about 33 kilometers. Our Stay in Kúpele Patince As you may know from my previous post, we didn’t stay in Kúpele Patince by choice. We wanted to stay in a town called Moča, but Booking canceled our reservation there. The ownerContinue reading

Mauritius and Rodrigues for Digital Nomads: the Complete Guide

This guide to Mauritius and Rodrigues also appears under the Digital Nomads Guides brand Contents1 Why Mauritius?2 Money3 Internet4 Accommodation5 Food6 Transport6.1 Entering Mauritius6.2 Local Transport6.3 Connections between Mauritius and Rodrigues7 Business Hours8 Visa9 Safety10 Culture, Language, & Religion11 Local Opportunities12 Rodrigues Island13 Final Words Why Mauritius? East of Africa in the Indian Ocean is a small archipelago that seeks to attract digital nomads. Mauritius created the premium visa for you to come and open up your laptop to get that money. There are many benefits to choosing Mauritius as your main stay in Africa and the southern hemisphere. BesidesContinue reading

23 Signs You Were Born (Privileged Enough) to Travel

Ahh, ye good ole entitlement issues! Nobody’s born to do anything in particular. Have you looked at babies? Yea, I thought so. Here are some signs that you were born privileged enough to travel the world: 0. No man, company, institution, or government owns your freedom. Privileged! 1. You’re not a stateless person and own a passport. You can go to an institution of your own government to ask for and obtain your own passport to travel abroad. Moreover, there’s no need for you to first obtain permission from a male family member. Likewise, you can travel as a singleContinue reading

Madagascar for Digital Nomads: A New Frontier

This guide to Madagascar also appears under the Digital Nomads Guides brand Contents1 Why Madagascar?1.1 Introduction to the Red Island1.2 Which Digital Nomads can make it work in Madagascar?1.3 Income + language skills + experience2 Money3 Internet4 Plugs + Power Cuts5 Accommodation5.1 Laundry + services6 Food6.1 Restaurants6.2 (Super)markets6.3 Vegetarian food + dietary restrictions7 Transport7.1 Entering Madagascar7.2 Local transport in the cities7.3 Road/rail transport between cities7.4 Boat travel7.5 Domestic flights8 Business Hours9 Visa10 Culture, Language & Religion11 Safety11.1 Traffic11.2 People11.3 Health11.4 Nature12 Useful Facebook Groups13 Final Words Why Madagascar? Introduction to the Red Island Madagascar is basically its own continent. ThoughContinue reading

Two Weeks in Sharjah + Ajman (United Arab Emirates)

After two weeks in Dubai, we moved to another Emirate of the seven United Arab Emirates: Sharjah. It’s a short taxi ride away from Dubai, depending on where you stayed in Dubai. Sharjah surrounds the main portion of another Emirate called Ajman (pronounced: ADZH-man). ‘AED’ stands for their currency, the Dirham. Contents1 Things to Do in Sharjah2 Map of Things to Do in Sharjah3 13th February: Arriving in Sharjah for the First Time (14 Days)4 14th of February: Sharjah’s Al Noor Island5 15th of February: Indian Vegetarian Food6 16th of February: Central Souk of Sharjah7 17th of February: Museum ofContinue reading

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Hey there! This page is about the things you can do if you found something cool on my website. I work incredibly hard to make Mind of a Hitchhiker a blog full of entertaining, unique, and high-quality content. Here are some tips on how to link to my articles from your website and how to reference or quote text that's on my blog. If you see a cool and unique photo on this blog, I also wrote something for you. Linking to Content on Mind of a Hitchhiker Awesome! I'd love a link from your website. If you're recommending my blog to people, you can add a URL in your post to my website so people can come and visit. Just copy https://mindofahitchhiker.com and paste it in your link editor. Alternatively, use HTML: <a href="https://mindofahitchhiker.com/" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Mind of a Hitchhiker</a> If you're recommending a particular blog post, it's also nice to put a link directly to that article. For example,… Read more >