
Welcome to the category of blog posts about traveling in the continent of Africa.

A brief history of my travels there:

  • Morocco: visited in 2012 (I think) for a few days with a girlfriend. I didn’t know about hitchhiking back then so I still have to return one day!
  • Tunisia: visited in 2018 for one week when I had one week of vacation from university. I loved Tunisia and I’m eager to travel back. I hitchhiked once with some great people from Hammamet back to Tunis, with Jonas. Not a lot of time spent, I know, but I had to be back in class the following Monday
  • Cabo Verde: visited in 2019 for 88 days with Jonas after graduating from university. Great times! I hitchhiked a bunch of times on different islands. All distances are very short because the islands are so small. I visited Sal, São Nicolau, São Vicente, Santo Antão, Fogo, Brava, and Santiago. I’d love to go back and visit Maio and Boa Vista
  • Mauritius, Madagascar, and Ethiopia: between 2021 and 2023. Jonas and I were in Mauritius for almost a year on the premium visa

Thank you for coming to the category about Africa. I hope you find something that you’ll enjoy!

How to Get a SIM Card in Mauritania

We traveled a bit around the Islamic Republic of Mauritania in February 2025. To work remotely and stay online while traveling, we got local SIMs. Here’s the process to get your own SIM card in Mauritania. Contents1 Which SIM Card in Mauritania is the Best?2 eSIM for (West) Africa: 36 Countries Including Mauritania2.1 Unvetted: Kolet eSIM3 Moov by Mauritel at the Guerguerat Border Crossing4 Trying to buy Moov by Mauritel, Settling for Mattel5 The One Odd Way You Can Get A Mauritel SIM Card6 SIM Card Exchange Offer at the Senegalese Border7 Mauritanian SIM Card FAQ + Internet Freedom7.1 ShouldContinue reading

How to Get a Moroccan SIM Card

We entered Morocco in December 2024 to stay a few months to travel around. Here you’ll find which Moroccan SIM card to buy, how to get one at a shop, and how to set up an eSIM before you arrive so you’re never offline or lost. Contents1 Which SIM Card in Morocco Should I Choose?2 Moroccan eSIM Before Crossing the Spanish-Moroccan Border3 Moroccan SIM Card Options: Inwi, Maroc Telecom, Orange3.1 Purchasing an Inwi SIM Card in Nador3.2 Buying a Maroc Telecom in Fes4 Moroccan SIM Card FAQ + Internet Freedom4.1 Should I buy a Moroccan SIM card at the airport?4.2Continue reading

Winter Sunshine: Hitchhiking from Taghazout to Agadir (Morocco)

Though it’s less than 25 kilometers from the surf village of Taghazout to the Ryanair city of Agadir, I decided I wanted to hitchhike. Jonas was on the fence about it. So there was a chance I would do it solo while he’d take the bus. We checked out of our Airbnb in Taghazout at 11:00 and walked down the steep, narrow alley to the msemmen breakfast restaurant we’d visited the previous day. While waiting for our amlou, chocolate, and 2x cheese msemmen (28 Dirhams) to be readied, we talked plans. We decided we’d give hitchhiking a chance—together. At leastContinue reading

Accommodation in Spain: Stays in Sevilla, Tarifa, Málaga, and Melilla

What can you expect from accommodation in (southern) Spain as a digital nomad? We booked these places getting some work done and doing fun day trips. We were in Spain between October and December of 2024. Contents1 Sevilla: Salotur Thomas de Ibarra2 Tarifa: Moldy House + Foster Kittens3 Málaga: Central + Bright Apartment4 Melilla: Golden Triangle Apartment5 Unlock the Prices of Accommodation in Spain6 Useful info about accommodation in Spain? You may share! Sevilla: Salotur Thomas de Ibarra Duration: two nights. Book this apartment here on Booking The main reason to fly to Sevilla instead of Málaga to get toContinue reading

How to Get an Ethiopian SIM Card

We arrived in Ethiopia on the 26th of January, 2023 and immediately bought an Ethiopian SIM card at the airport. Here’s our experience and how you can get mobile data in Addis Ababa and beyond.  Contents1 Ethio Telecom Monopoly2 Buying the Ethiopian SIM Card at Addis Ababa Airport (ADD)3 Where to buy a SIM card in Ethiopia?4 How to top-up your Ethiopian SIM card?5 How to buy a data package?6 FAQ6.1 I’m entering Ethiopia via a land border, where can I buy a SIM card?6.2 Where can I find my own number?6.3 How to check my balance?6.4 Should I downloadContinue reading

Ethiopian Food and Drink I Scarfed Down as a Vegetarian in 30 Days

As a traveling vegetarian, Ethiopia is quite an easy country to visit. Many national dishes are vegetarian or vegan. These are the Ethiopian food and drinks I wolfed down during my one-month stay in Addis Ababa, Bahir Dar, and Lalibela. Contents1 How to Find Out Which Ethiopian Foods are Vegetarian?2 Ethiopian Food and Drink Diary3 Ethiopian Coffee Ceremony3.1 No popcorn, just popcorn3.2 Full coffee ceremony at Alem Restaurant, Lalibela3.3 Introduction to Tana Adam3.4 Popcorn!4 Helpful? Please consider buying me a flaxseed juice!5 Spread your love for Ethiopian food How to Find Out Which Ethiopian Foods are Vegetarian? Ever since theContinue reading

Bete Amanuel, Lalibela: Wonder of the Ethiopians

We visited the wonder on the 7th and the 10th of February, 2023. Bete Amanuel is a spectacular church carved out of a single rock in northern Ethiopia. It makes an appearance in the video game Age of Empires II as the wonder of the Ethiopian civilization. Contents1 One of the Reasons We’re in Ethiopia2 Want to visit Lalibela with Mas?3 First Visit to Bete Amanuel4 Second Visit to Bete Amanuel5 Bete Amanuel as Represented in Age of Empires II5.1 AoE2 Bete Amanuel vs. the Real Deal5.2 Campaign appearance of Bete Amanuel5.3 Why Bete Amanuel and not the arguably moreContinue reading

Madagascar for Digital Nomads: A New Frontier

This guide to Madagascar also appears under the Digital Nomads Guides brand Contents1 Why Madagascar?1.1 Introduction to the Red Island1.2 Which Digital Nomads can make it work in Madagascar?1.3 Income + language skills + experience2 Money3 Internet4 Plugs + Power Cuts5 Accommodation5.1 Laundry + services6 Food6.1 Restaurants6.2 (Super)markets6.3 Vegetarian food + dietary restrictions7 Transport7.1 Entering Madagascar7.2 Local transport in the cities7.3 Road/rail transport between cities7.4 Boat travel7.5 Domestic flights8 Business Hours9 Visa10 Culture, Language & Religion11 Safety11.1 Traffic11.2 People11.3 Health11.4 Nature12 Useful Facebook Groups13 Final Words Why Madagascar? Introduction to the Red Island Madagascar is basically its own continent. ThoughContinue reading

Getting a SIM Card in Madagascar: Orange, Telma, and Airtel

We bought our Malagasy Orange and Telma SIM cards on the first full day in the country, the 16th of November 2022. The last SIM card in Madagascar, Airtel, was trickier to get in the capital. I’ll explain below why we’re getting multiple SIM cards from different providers.  Contents1 TL;DR Which SIM Card in Madagascar Should I Choose?2 Our Experience Buying a SIM Card in Madagascar3 Orange SIM Card in Madagascar3.1 Where to buy an Orange Madagascar SIM card3.2 Topping up your mobile data via Orange Money3.3 Checking your Orange data and balance4 Telma SIM Card in Madagascar4.1 Getting theContinue reading