Interview Me

Whether you're a news agency or a fellow blogger, this is the page where you can find information about arranging an interview with me. Why You Should Contact Me before You Write Years ago I did a few interviews. Everything that's been written about me or my blog ever since has been based on pretty much a single article. In other situations, someone took a quick glance on my about page and wrote a few words about me and wrote to me about it after the fact. My situation changes a bit each year and my about does not always reflect my current situation. My priorities have often changed rapidly, which is usually reflected in my most recent blog posts and not my about page. I'd love to receive a message from you if you plan on writing anything about me or my blog. Things I Need to Know from You Before I can accept an interview, I'd need to… Read more >

Digital Nomads Guides

Since 2016, my partner Jonas and I have been publishing travel guides for people who work and travel at the same time. A few other digital nomads joined the team and wrote their own guides about cities they loved and temporarily lived in. To read more about the guides and perhaps buy one for your own adventure, visit the Digital Nomads Guides website. Guides by Jonas and Iris Cabo Verde Free Mini-Guide A mini version of our regular guides, this extensive article about Cabo Verde will take away all the mysteries around this island nation. Yes, it's possible to travel and work at the same time in Cabo Verde, but it can be very difficult. Luckily, we made it simple. From obtaining your own precious SIM card to traveling between the islands with the ferries and booking accommodation, this guide has you covered on your trip to this African archipelago. If you're looking to buy a different guide, but want… Read more >

Arabat Spit: A Day Trip to Ukrainian-Controlled Crimea with Hot Spring + Pink Lake

These events happened on October 3rd, 2021. Our Booking host in Heniches’k named Yuri offered to do a day trip with us down the Arabat Spit to visit some hot springs and a pink lake. This eventually turned into a little adventure with even more spontaneous stops and detours along the way. The Arabat Spit is geographically part of the Crimean Peninsula, but administratively it’s Kherson Oblast. Russia didn’t annex this part of Crimea back in 2014. Contents1 Ukrainian-Controlled Crimea: Is it Safe?2 Taking a Bus Down the Arabat Spit?3 Driving Down the Arabat Spit (Арабатська Стрілка) with Yuri4 Heniches’kContinue reading

Pandemic in Penang: A Play-by-Play from Two Digital Nomads in Malaysia

Before you judge our decision to stay in Malaysia and not ‘repatriate’ ourselves, scroll to the bottom to read our motivations for riding out the pandemic in Penang/George Town. If coronavirus statistics trigger your anxiety, this journal might not be for you. Also, I wrote this, so not everything here reflects Jonas’ views. My sources for Malaysia come from the trilingual news website Malaysia Kini, which has an excellent COVID-19 tracker which adds new functionality almost twice a week, and our elevator. My world stats come from the Johns Hopkins University COVID-19 Dashboard, which unfortunately keeps butchering country names. TheContinue reading

Kayaking to Pulau Tikus: a Sacred Island near George Town, Penang

We kayaked to Pulau Tikus on the 10th of July, 2020. If you want to know where and how to rent a kayak in Penang, click here. To get tips on what to bring, click here or visit my extensive kayak gear guide if you’re very, very serious. Contents1 The Idea2 Sea Currents, Wind Directions, and Weather Forecasts3 Not the day, not the day, THE DAY!4 Kayaking to Pulau Tikus5 The Shrine of Seyad Mohamed Kuddoos Oliyullah on Pulau Tikus6 Returning to Pulau Pinang and Tropicana 2187 In Short:8 Map of How we Kayaked to Pulau Tikus9 Was This Article HelpfulContinue reading

Ponta Delgada, São Miguel Island: One Week in the Azores (+ Scooter!)

This is about our one-week stay in the Azores from the 12th till the 19th in April 2019. We flew in from Praia, Cabo Verde, and departed for Lisbon, mainland Portugal. To explore São Miguel Island, we rented a scooter for a few days. Ponta Delgada is an excellent base to zoom around the island to all the funny corners. Unfortunately, I didn’t hitchhike. You can see all the places and our routes on the map at the bottom. Contents1 Background2 Day 0: Arrival in Ponta Delgada (Friday, April 12th)3 Day 1: Exploring Ponta Delgada (Saturday, April 13th)4 Day 2:Continue reading

The Hitchhiker’s Wishlist (2014)

This year’s hitchhiker’s wishlist for Christmas and in general is as follows: 1. Colorful markers to make ultra-cool hitchhiking signs 2. Hiking socks. There are never enough new unsmelly, hole-free hiking socks 3. Rip-proof, dirt-proof, and smell-proof backpack. Preferably with an anti-food explosion feature too (I have traumas) 4. Leather hiking boots with cool laces 5. Zero-mass tent with zero-mass stakes. Why is this so heavy? 6. (Related to number 5:) Magic mattress and sleeping bag with spontaneous ‘my own bed’ feature that makes it as comfy as home. A little like that scene in Harry Potter when they enterContinue reading

Kosmonavtlar: Hands Down the Best Station of Tashkent Metro

Kosmonavtlar is a metro station in Tashkent, Uzbekistan. It’s the blue line (O’zbekiston yo’li) out of 3.5 active lines of Tashkent Metro. Taking photos inside the exquisite – often Soviet-era – metro stations in Tashkent was illegal until June 2018. Ever since loads of photos and videos of beautiful stations have popped up on the internet. However, I’d like to draw your attention to the best one: Kosmonavtlar (Russian: Космонавтов)—or ‘Cosmonauts’ in English. During the first 16 days I spent in Tashkent, I visited a lot of metro stations. But somehow I only found out about Kosmonavtlar a few daysContinue reading

My First Time Shooting Guns: Glock 19, AK-47, Sniper Rifle, and Shotgun (Kyiv, Ukraine)

These events happened on Tuesday, the 3rd of August, 2021. We had booked a shooting guns activity at a shooting range outside of Kyiv. This is what to expect from this activity and the four different guns we fired. Note that this was my first time shooting guns and that I do not know the correct terminology for a lot of actions/gun parts. If you have corrections/mansplanations, please drop them in the comments! Booking the Activity After booking our trip to Chornobyl, Jonas found out that you can also shoot Kalashnikovs in Kyiv. This is something he has wanted toContinue reading