Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan?! Traveling from DXB to FRU (Semi-Live Blog)

After 88 days of 90 allowed days in the UAE, it’s time to leave. Jonas and I chose Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan as the next place to go during this pandemic with limited choices. Follow this post for the coming days to see how things are going. Also, the latest date is always on top. Use the table of contents to skip to the date you want to read about. This is a semi-live blog that I’ll update throughout the journey. I’ll add photos once I’m back on my laptop.  Contents1 Wednesday, 28th of April: Arrived in Bishkek1.1 At the AirportContinue reading

Mauritius and Rodrigues for Digital Nomads: the Complete Guide

This guide to Mauritius and Rodrigues also appears under the Digital Nomads Guides brand Contents1 Why Mauritius?2 Money3 Internet4 Accommodation5 Food6 Transport6.1 Entering Mauritius6.2 Local Transport6.3 Connections between Mauritius and Rodrigues7 Business Hours8 Visa9 Safety10 Culture, Language, & Religion11 Local Opportunities12 Rodrigues Island13 Final Words Why Mauritius? East of Africa in the Indian Ocean is a small archipelago that seeks to attract digital nomads. Mauritius created the premium visa for you to come and open up your laptop to get that money. There are many benefits to choosing Mauritius as your main stay in Africa and the southern hemisphere. BesidesContinue reading

Madagascar for Digital Nomads: A New Frontier

This guide to Madagascar also appears under the Digital Nomads Guides brand Contents1 Why Madagascar?1.1 Introduction to the Red Island1.2 Which Digital Nomads can make it work in Madagascar?1.3 Income + language skills + experience2 Money3 Internet4 Plugs + Power Cuts5 Accommodation5.1 Laundry + services6 Food6.1 Restaurants6.2 (Super)markets6.3 Vegetarian food + dietary restrictions7 Transport7.1 Entering Madagascar7.2 Local transport in the cities7.3 Road/rail transport between cities7.4 Boat travel7.5 Domestic flights8 Business Hours9 Visa10 Culture, Language & Religion11 Safety11.1 Traffic11.2 People11.3 Health11.4 Nature12 Useful Facebook Groups13 Final Words Why Madagascar? Introduction to the Red Island Madagascar is basically its own continent. ThoughContinue reading

Privacy Policy

1. An overview of data protection General The following gives a simple overview of what happens to your personal information when you visit our website. Personal information is any data with which you could be personally identified. Detailed information on the subject of data protection can be found in our privacy policy found below. Data collection on our website Who is responsible for the data collection on this website? The data collected on this website are processed by the website operator. The operator's contact details can be found in the website's required legal notice. How do we collect your data? Some data are collected when you provide it to us. This could, for example, be data you enter on a contact form. Other data are collected automatically by our IT systems when you visit the website. These data are primarily technical data such as the browser and operating system you are using or when you accessed the page. These data… Read more >

Getting a SIM Card in Malaysia

This article is a comprehensive guide to getting the best prepaid SIM card in Malaysia. “RM” is short for Malaysian Ringgit—their currency. Click “In Short” in the table of contents to skip over the text and get a step-by-step guide. For starters, the Malaysian country code is +60 Contents1 Telecom in Malaysia2 Why should I Get a Malaysian SIM Card?3 Which Provider Should I Choose?3.1 Should I Get the Tourist SIM Card?4 Before You Travel to Malaysia…5 Story Time! How We Got Our Hotlink SIM Cards6 Using the Hotlink RED App and Topping Up6.1 Installation6.2 Getting Packages6.3 Checking Your Balance6.4Continue reading

The Best Travel Apps

I was planning to write about ‘the best travel apps’ for a long time, and I’m finally stuck somewhere with WiFi to actually do it. So here we go. Starting with the obvious observation: The last decade has seen some incredible progress regarding technology and so it has affected the way in which we travel. It doesn’t matter whether we go to an all-inclusive resort in Turkey or go backpacking in a crap hostel with bedbugs, We, the (privileged) people who travel have started to expect WiFi and other services everywhere. We bring our own laptop (heavy), tablet (perfect) or smartphoneContinue reading

How to Get a Turkish SIM Card (In the Small and Non-Touristic Towns of Turkey)

We bought our Turkish SIM cards on Monday the 25th of October, one day after arriving in Karasu. Karasu is a port town on the Black Sea coast and we’d arrived by ferry. It’s relatively small and getting a Turkish SIM card wasn’t straightforward. This post is supposed to help people who are also arriving in Turkey by land or sea and in a smaller town away from places geared toward foreigners. Contents1 Our Experience Buying a Turkish SIM Card in Karasu2 FAQ Turkish SIM Card + Internet Freedom in Turkey2.1 Which provider should I choose?2.2 Should I buy theContinue reading

How to Get the 1-Year Mauritian Premium Visa – Digital Nomad Special!

This article is about the (elusive) Mauritian Premium Visa, also known as the ‘Digital Nomad Visa’. It is valid for 1 year. You can apply for it before you travel to Mauritius or while you’re already in the country. You can only apply for this visa if you work online—this is not a tourist visa. To read about how to get the maximum days on your Mauritian tourist visa and how to get the 90-day tourist visa extension in Mauritius, visit the dedicated article. Contents1 What is the Premium Visa?2 I’m Sold. How Do I Apply?2.1 1. Apply before comingContinue reading

Immigration Scare 2021: Are We Done, Malaysia?

As you might know, Jonas and I have been in Malaysia for nearly a year. But we aren’t expats, nay, we’re ‘Tourists stranded in Malaysia‘ (TSIMY). The Malaysian government basically granted us amnesty to stay in the country during the COVID-19 crisis. They call the special rules ‘the MCO’, which have an end date that has been extended by weeks or months every time the deadline approaches. This is stuff I’ve detailed in my pandemic diaries. Every time they extend the MCO rules for the pandemic, we might hear the news that we have to leave. Thus far, the government’sContinue reading