The Gambia

The Gambia is a country I haven’t traveled to (yet). Distance, I’ve only come ‘close’ to the Gambia when I was in Cabo Verde in 2019. I’d love to visit the Gambia as part of a bigger (overland) West Africa trip.

I hope that you can find posts about the Gambia on this page in the future. For now, perhaps read about other countries, such as Cabo Verde, Spain, or Morocco?

Things I’d Like to Do in the Gambia

  • Hitchhike with the locals, even if it’s just a short distance. Though English is the official language, there are over a dozen native languages spoken by various groups, so I hope to pick up some local words as well
  • Travel to the capital city Banjul. I’ve looked at hotels, but the historical city doesn’t have much. So it’s more likely I’ll visit it on a day trip from the nearby bigger towns of Serekunda and Brikama
  • In Banjul, I’d love to see the King Fahad Mosque, the cathedral, the Karadeniz Power Ship, and the Albert Market. Depending on how I arrive in the Gambia, I’ll either have already seen Fort Bullen in Barra across the Gambia River or still make a day trip there
  • Go kayaking on the Gambia River or anywhere else (Tanji or somewhere with mangroves). I’ve seen quite some businesses that offer rentals or tours, which gives me hope for a country that should probably have a lot of boat traffic. I miss kayaking on rivers!
  • I’d absolutely love to take a boat in the eastern part of the Gambia upstream, where the river water is not affected by the tides. There are also interesting river islands there, such as MacCarthy Island and Baboon (Chimpanzee) Island
  • Visit one of the three sacred crocodile pools. Though I might not want to pet them (you can), I’d love to learn more. See map where they are
  • Travel off to the Gambian stone circles of Senegambia. Some of them cross the border into Senegal, but there are also two sites just in Gambia
  • For relaxation, I’d like to visit some nice beaches such as Cape Point and Kotu. There’s also a botanical garden in Bakau
  • Visit the ruins of Kunta Kinteh Island and Fort James to learn about the British slave trade and Dutch colonization. The island is also under heavy erosion due to rising sea levels, so the clock is unfortunately ticking on this historical site. Boats depart for the island from Albadarr and the nearby museum in Juffureh is also worth a visit
  • Either see or visit the Bijol Islands, not far from Tanje
  • Cuisine-wise, I don’t have much to look forward to as a vegetarian as most Gambian dishes are fish or meat. But I’d love to try a vegetarian maafe (peanut stew) with lots of veggies and thiakry for dessert. I’d love to try out a new grain, such as findi/fonio. And if I find easy vegetarian dishes in the Gambia, I’ll be happy to report back
  • Visit some remote parts of the Gambia, such as Fatoto in the far east and Kartong in the southwest
  • Hit up some nice natural parks, both mangroves by the river delta and the savannah inland. Kiang West National Park seems to be the main one, but I have all the others on my map below as well

Map of Things to Do in the Gambia

Planning a Trip to The Gambia? 🏡
Make sure to book your accommodation ahead of time ⏰ I’ve ended up too many times in mediocre leftover hotels or apartments far away from the action because I had to book last minute…🙄 I always book on Booking or Airbnb because they have the most options 😇 Not quite sure about your trip? Many places offer a full refund a few days before your stay! 💸

Here’s a preliminary map I made with all the places and then some marked. Note that I haven’t been to the Gambia yet, so I can’t give advice about open border crossings and such.

If you know cool places and things to do in the Gambia, comment at the bottom of this page so I can always find your suggestions again! Tips are especially welcome if you are Gambian or have lived there for a while

Are you a travel blogger and do you have good posts about the Gambia? Drop them in a comment below and I’ll read them!

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Ajman in an Afternoon (United Arab Emirates)

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Photo credits:

Omoniyi David on Unsplash
Dan Roizer on Unsplash
Kurt Cotoaga on Unsplash
Omoniyi David on Unsplash
Britt Weckx on Unsplash