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Braslaw Belarus Zamkavaya Hara 2018 support page

Support Progress Bar

As of March 2025, I’ve received €12 in one donation. Thank you so much, Ms. M. Herbertson! That covered the costs of maintaining this website. If you find something useful or entertaining on my blog, please consider supporting me. I will update this graphic every time there’s a donation. This may take up to 14 days.

2025 donation progress bar V2

In 2024, I’ve received €21.75 in two donations. Thank you so much, Mr. B.B and Visio Services! That covered website maintenance for this year, phew 😌. I especially liked the note that came with one of the donations:

The Danube posts are amazing. Hope to see them continued one day. Till then, I continue traveling the Danube with my girlfriend. With best regards. B.B.”

In 2023, I’ve received €68 in six donations. Thank you so much, Ms. K.H., Mr. S.F., Mr. T.B.C., Ms. S.R., Mr. O.V., and Dōgen Sangha Europe! It made me happy to see so many people appreciating my articles in 2023 😀

In 2022, I’ve received €2 in one donation. Thank you so much, Mr. H!

In 2021, I’ve received €60 in two donations. Thank you so much, Ms. D. and Mr. O.V.!

Why Donate Money to Mind of a Hitchhiker?

Mind of a Hitchhiker is a largely ad-free space. I’m trying to keep these pages calm and balanced for my readers. This way, I hope you’re having a good experience on this website and that you enjoy my work.

Because I’m not putting ads in the posts, the sidebars, and as pop-ups, your visit to my website doesn’t make me any money. This helps me sleep better at night.

The only way I make money with my work – other than your support and selling the Digital Nomads Guides I’ve written – is with affiliate links. If you buy something via one of those links, I might make some money at no extra cost to you. Jeff Bezos pays for this. Since I know how much material possessions can clog up someone’s life and mind, I don’t just link to any and every product I write about; I don’t want you to buy anything you don’t need. All my affiliate links are genuine recommendations if – and only if – you have a use for that same product.

If you’ve felt entertained, informed, or inspired in any of these posts, I’d love it if you could consider making a small contribution to me. I’m immensely grateful for the people that have already done so. This makes me feel appreciated.

Any money that I’ve received this way goes first to website maintenance, my international health insurance, keeping my bank account open, and then it goes to water, food, shelter, sharpies, visas, SD cards, and computer maintenance.

For now, you can support me via PayPal and Bitcoin. I intend to add other options sometime later.

Thank you for your support!

Open in wallet

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