
Jordan is a country I haven’t traveled to (yet). I considered going there for a week during my gap year from travel in 2018 because of cheap WizzAir/RyanAir flights from Brussels. Jordan was also on our radar after we visited the UAE during the 2021 covid tricky travel times. But in the end, we chose different countries to visit. After all that anticipation, I am absolutely stoked to travel around the MENA region one day and hop into Jordan a bunch of times since their visa policy is quite alright at VOA, 60 days, and some money.

I hope that in the future, you can find posts about Jordan on this page. For now, perhaps read about other countries, such as Tunisia, the United Arab Emirates, and Uzbekistan.

Things I’d Like to Do in Jordan

Once I find new ideas for places to visit or things to do in Jordan, I might add them to this list.

If you know cool places and things to do in Jordan, comment below so I can always find your suggestions again once I start making the dream come true! Tips are especially welcome if you are Jordanian or have lived there for a while

Are you a travel blogger and do you have good posts about Jordan? Drop them in a comment below and I’ll read them!

How the Pandemic Put Me in a Language Learning Crisis

I wonder if any people who love language learning and traveling to speak to people feel the same? Learning Portuguese for Timor-Leste It’s February 2020. I’ve been learning Portuguese on Duolingo for months already. And I picked up the pace again after traveling through Myanmar and losing my streak. I’m back in Thailand and Portuguese is useless here. Why am I learning it? Because in a few months, we’ll go to Timor-Leste. In that country, the two official languages are Portuguese and Tetum. The latter is based in part on colonizer language Portuguese combined with indigenous languages and Malay/Indonesian. PerhapsContinue reading

How Many People Can Visit All Countries on Earth?

You might have heard of some people who have visited all 195 countries on earth. Whoa! How do they do that? Isn’t this hugely expensive? Could a person like you or me visit all countries? Possibly, yeah, but if you think money is the greatest obstacle to visiting all of the world’s countries, you’re wrong. It’s actually the passport you hold – if you can afford one, to begin with. Out of curiosity, I tried to calculate how many people cannot visit one or more of the world’s 195 countries. If one country doesn’t let you in based on your nationality,Continue reading

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