Today’s random hiking trail brought me to some fabulous geological formations along a cliff’s edge! I was hiking on Gozo Island in Malta at daybreak. It was about 6:30 during the making of this photo. The weather is still tolerable then, as it gets so hot during the day. I think you can count the trees on Gozo on one hand.
I walked southward from my rough-sleeping spot nearby Dwejra’s Azure Window. In the south-western corner or edge of Gozo Island, my OpenStreetMaps offline map showed me several hiking trails. So I decided to check out this area. The landscapes are truly incredible here. It’s also important to mind your feet because most parts of this island are one tall cliff as it appears. And it’s a long way down.
From here, I guess I’ll have to make my way back to the nearest road with cars. Then I’ll hitchhike elsewhere on this island. It’s so petite.
Is this another Game of Thrones movie set by the way? I haven’t watched this series (yet), but I hear they shoot everywhere around the world! By the way, if you love this account/site/page and the stories I put up for you every day, I don’t mind if you share them with your friends! In fact, I’d appreciate that a lot 🙂