Senegal is a country I haven’t traveled to (yet). Distance, I’ve only come ‘close’ to Senegal when I was in Cabo Verde in 2019. At the airports in Praia and Sal, I saw direct flights to Dakar. I’d love to visit Senegal as part of a bigger (overland) West Africa trip.
I hope that you can find posts about Senegal on this page in the future. For now, perhaps read about other countries, such as Cabo Verde, Spain, or Morocco?
Things I’d Like to Do in Senegal
- Hitchhike just a little bit here and there
- Visit the capital city Dakar. It’s a major goal to stand on the westernmost point of mainland Africa
- Pick up some words and phrases in a local language, such as Wolof or Mandinka. Perhaps I’ll also meet some Arabic speakers, which I hope I will be comfortable in by then
- Visit lighthouses, markets, the Juche-style African Rennaisance Monument, Mosque of the Divinity, Cap Manuel lighthouse and ‘la caverne’ bunker, Henriette Bathily Women’s Museum,
- When arriving or departing via Dakar, use the TER train to get to or from the airport. It’s a very new train!
- From the capital Dakar, make a day trip to Gorée Island with its museums about the Atlantic slave trade and history of (also Dutch) colonization
- Go to Lake Retba, which is a salty pink lake, which is at its pinkest between November and May
- Travel off to Touba, Senegal’s second-biggest city. It’s a religious center of the Mouride order with the Great Mosque of Touba (open to tourists) as its main draw
- Visit Saint Louis at the mouth of the River Senegal. Besides attractions inside the city, such as the Hotel de la Poste and the
Faidherbe Bridge (it was supposed to cross the Danube in Romania near Cernavodă!), I’d love to visit the island of Langue de Barbarie NP and its ruins
- See the Great Green Wall of Africa in northern Senegal. It’s an attempt to hold back the encroaching Saharan sands
- Enjoy not having a peanut allergy, since Senegal produces and consumes a lot of groundnuts
- On the way to Gambia, visit the Stone Circles of Senegambia UNESCO World Heritage Site
- Visit some national parks to see nature and wildlife. I mainly have my eyes set on Niokolo-Koba NP, which I read is the only place in West Africa to see lions (big kitties) in the wild. While in that area, I might as well go to Dindefelo Falls, which is a waterfall about 100 meters tall on the border with Guinea
- Drink bouye (baobab) juice. I liked baobab in Madagascar, so I’d like to try the Senegalese variety. Also, café Touba is a local spiced coffee drink that sounds interesting, along with juices such as dakhar (tamarind), bissap (I know it from Madagascar, it’s hibiscus), and ditakh
- Visit Cap Skirring or Ziguinchor. OSM says there’s a ferry from Dakar to Elinkine/Ziguinchor, which would be big if true
- Witness some Kankurang initiation rites, if I come across them.
- Kayak on the Senegal, Gambia, or Casamance rivers. One of these must have a guided tour available as a day trip
- Senegal appears to have some veg(etari)an native foods, such as ndambé (beans in tomato sauce) for breakfast, ngalakh (peanut, baobab, and couscous), sombi (rice pudding), lakh, sombi, and thiakry for dessert. I don’t know what else will be vegetarian in Senegal and I bet things won’t be easy. Perhaps there’s a vegetarian version of fattaya, chere, or tchou or some recipe using baobab lalo powder
- Go to some remote places, such as Mar Lodj Island, Joal Fadiouth village plus clamshell island,
Map of Things to Do in Senegal
Here’s a preliminary map I made with all the places and then some marked. Note that I haven’t been to Senegal yet, so I can’t give advice about open border crossings and such.
If you know cool places and things to do in Senegal, comment at the bottom of this page so I can always find your suggestions again! Tips are especially welcome if you are Senegalese or have lived there for a while
Are you a travel blogger and do you have good posts about Senegal? Drop them in a comment below and I’ll read them!
Getting the Guinea-Bissau Visa in Ziguinchor, Senegal
It’s possible to get your Guinea-Bissau visa in Senegal near the border in Ziguinchor. We acquired ours on the 21st of March, 2025. Research into the Guinea-Bissau Visa My original digging I did into the visa for Guinea-Bissau led me to believe we could get a visa on arrival (VOA) for 90 days, at a cost of €85 per person. Or an eVisa, but no official website link to get it. Once we were on the ground in West Africa, the stories from fellow travelers were wildly different. Some said it was necessary to get it at the embassy inContinue reading
How to Get a Senegalese SIM Card
We entered Senegal in February 2025 and traveled around, with a side quest to the Gambia. Here you’ll find which Senegalese SIM card to buy, how to get one at a shop or from an authorized street vendor, and how to set up an eSIM before you arrive so you’re never offline or lost. Contents1 Which Senegalese SIM Card is Best?2 Senegalese eSIM Before Arrival3 Senegalese SIM Card Options: Orange, Free, and Expresso3.1 Orange SIM cards on offer at the Diama border with Mauritania3.2 Orange SIM card in Saint-Louis4 Senegalese SIM Card FAQ + Internet Freedom4.1 Should I buy aContinue reading
How to Get a SIM Card in Mauritania
We traveled a bit around the Islamic Republic of Mauritania in February 2025. To work remotely and stay online while traveling, we got local SIMs. Here’s the process to get your own SIM card in Mauritania. Contents1 Which SIM Card in Mauritania is the Best?2 eSIM for (West) Africa: 36 Countries Including Mauritania2.1 Unvetted: Kolet eSIM3 Moov by Mauritel at the Guerguerat Border Crossing4 Trying to buy Moov by Mauritel, Settling for Mattel5 The One Odd Way You Can Get A Mauritel SIM Card6 SIM Card Exchange Offer at the Senegalese Border7 Mauritanian SIM Card FAQ + Internet Freedom7.1 ShouldContinue reading
Through the Berm: Mauritania Border Crossing with Western Sahara/Morocco
We entered Mauritania from Moroccan-controlled Western Sahara on the 6th of February, 2025. We took a bus through the Berm (aka the Moroccan Western Sahara Wall) from Dakhla to Nouadhibou. At the Guerguerat border crossing, we used our Mauritanian eVisa to enter. Contents1 The Guerguerat Border in Short2 Map of Border, Berm, and Bus Stations3 Booking the Supratours Bus from Dakhla to Nouadhibou4 Applying for the Mauritanian eVisa5 Nazi Salute While Waiting for the Bus6 Departing Dakhla for Guerguerat7 The Moroccan Side of the Border8 Through the Berm: No Man’s Land9 The 1st Mauritanian Side of the Border10 The 2ndContinue reading
How to Get the Mauritanian eVisa Introduced in 2025
In January 2025, Mauritania rolled out its e-visa or eVisa regime for tourists to this West African nation. Here’s the ins and outs of obtaining your Mauritanian eVisa, which is the only way you can enter the Islamic Republic Contents1 Mauritanian eVisa Changes2 Applying for Our Mauritanian eVisas3 Crossing the Border into/out of Mauritania3.1 What is a good day to travel to Mauritania?3.2 Do I have to arrive in Mauritania on the arrival date on my eVisa?4 How Long Does it Take to Receive your Mauritanian eVisa?4.1 Help, my eVisa got rejected. What now?5 Entering Mauritania with your eVisa byContinue reading
Ajman in an Afternoon (United Arab Emirates)
During our stay in Sharjah, we decided to take a day trip to Ajman (pronounced: ADZH-man). This was our third emirate out of seven. Even though it’s the smallest emirate, I think Ajman has enough to offer for a couple of days, depending on one’s interests and ‘disposable’ income. We visited Ajman on Monday the 22nd of February, 2021 on this 4.6-kilometer long walk. Contents1 Sharjah to Ajman2 Walking Ajman Corniche3 To the Center of Ajman4 Ajman Heritage District5 Ajman’s Marina6 List of Things to Do in Ajman7 Map of our Trip to Ajman8 Good Intel? Save for Later orContinue reading
Hitchhiking Bucket List: #5 The Dakar Rally
Yes, this is another stretch. But I’d love to ride along in one of the rally cars of the annual Dakar Rally. It doesn’t have to be in the desert on a heavy sand dune. Heck, it doesn’t even have to be with one of the rally drivers. It could be with the maintenance on the way to Lima or Riyadh. I don’t care. The Dakar Rally used to be organized in Africa, known as the Paris–Dakar Rally. The route used to travel overland from France to Spain, Morocco, Western Sahara, Mauritania, Mali, and Senegal’s capital Dakar, though sometimes theContinue reading
How to get a 90-day visa for Cabo Verde: Part I
Disclaimer: This article on securing a 90-day visa Cabo Verde applies mostly to EU+ citizens. This new visa policy only applies to holders of EU, Switzerland, Liechtenstein, Norway, Iceland, and UK passports. Passport holders of other nationalities can still apply to a Cabo Verdean visa at embassies and consulates the regular way. If you don’t want to read the backstory, read Part II and click The TL;DR or What to bring for a visa extension. The Escape After spending two winters in Maastricht, the Netherlands, I’m finally freed from that place. I did some courses, wrote a thesis, then fled to Lisbon, Portugal.Continue reading
Photo credits:
Demba JooB on Unsplash
Curioso Photography on Unsplash
Omoniyi David on Unsplash
TD AD on Unsplash
E. Diop on Unsplash