Cruise-camping on the Equator

Witnessing a beautiful sunrise on the Mid Atlantic Ocean, just a little south of the equator! Instead of sleeping in the cabin without windows, some fellow hippies on the cruise ship opted for the silty, ocean air on the top deck. As we traveled southward by repositioning cruise, the temperature rose and this became a comfortable option. The night I went ‘cruise-camping’ was by far the best night of sleep I’ve had. And sweet baby Jesus, LOOK AT THAT SUNRISE! Being on a cruise ship for 12 days means being dictated by the breakfast, lunch, and dinner times. On topContinue reading

Packed my Backpack & Ready for Brazil!

I’m packed and ready with my Deuter Aircontact Lite 65+10 Backpack! Thank you, Jonas! This is probably my last update for nine days from the European Union/the African continent… see you on the other side of the Atlantic Ocean! Peace, love, and tranquillity, Iris/Mind of a Hitchhiker 🙂 Jonas took this photo of me in the village of Tasarte, Gran Canaria, Canary Islands, Spain! Right before hitchhiking back to Las Palmas de Gran Canaria.   But in all seriousness, this backpack is pretty amazing. My previous one that I borrowed from my stepfather was also very kick-ass, but quite vintage.Continue reading

Roque Nublo to Maspalomas Dunes, Gran Canaria: Summit to Sea

The last few days I went hitchhiking on the island of Gran Canaria. This was mainly to avoid the buzz in Las Palmas city. My driver felt like doing the hike to Roque Nublo (featured photo) together with me and left me at the summit to chill. No, he didn’t abandon me; that was my request. I’m not sure if I could have walked up that fast with my whole backpack if he hadn’t set the pace. Nevertheless, there were many trail runners without any luggage. They simply sprinted up and down the forested trail to the barren plateau. OneContinue reading

Tejeda, Gran Canaria: Freecamping the Canary Islands

Today was my first day hitchhiking around the island of Gran Canaria without much direction or planning. I ended up in a village called Tejeda. From that area, there’s this view of the Roque Bentayga, a kick-ass rock formation. I snapped it around sunset. Apparently, there are many such roques around here. They held a special meaning for the indigenous people of the Canaries. I asked my driver to not drop me off in town because I wanted to camp. My driver pointed me toward a field to freecamp in. It’s a little rural and difficult to pitch my tent afterContinue reading

Canary Islands, beware of the Hitchhiker

Just five days until I hit up Las Palmas in the Canary Islands! I can’t wait to wear summer clothes again and walk in flip flops or barefoot. Wow, I’ll miss the beautiful autumn colors here in my hometown though! Such wow… I hitchhiked to my hometown again today to see more family and friends. Jonas and I have taken the train from Maastricht to my small train station Hollansche Rading. There’s no bus, so we hitchhiked from the roundabout to my mom’s house. This was Jonas’ first time hitchhiking. I think he liked it 😍 I’ll also need to startContinue reading

I’m Going to Brazil! By Repositioning Cruise

Visiting family and going to the beach with friends is a rare opportunity nowadays. Sharing a bottle of wine together and watching the amazing sunsets is not so rare. But why am I downing an entire bottle of cheap wine on the beach in The Hague with Jonas? Okay, I can’t hold it any longer… So I’m just gonna tell you that in a week I’m going to the Canary Islands and then I’m boarding a boat to BRAZIL! 😀 This is terribly exciting stuff. Jonas invited me to come aboard this repositioning cruise ship that will leave Las PalmasContinue reading