
China is a country I’ve only been to for five days on their 144-hour visa-free regime from 2019. During that trip, I went to Shanghai and even managed to enter Zhejiang province, hitchhike the Donghai Bridge back. That was awesome.

Shanghai left a very good impression on me and I can’t wait to go back. I’m very happy that I had the opportunity to have an impression of this country before the pandemic. I have a very long list of places I want to visit in China in my lifetime. This will probably need to be accomplished over multiple visas because the country is huge.

Next Time in China:

  • Hitchhike more. During my five-day stay, I was happy to squeeze in one hitch. I’ve heard good things about hitchhiking in China and the mobile translation technology they have there makes it easy to communicate without having to do years of Duolingo first
  • Explore the capital Beijing: the history, the food, modern life
  • Witness the tidal bore in the Qiantang River
  • See the Leshan Giant Buddha nearby Chengdu. Same with the Guanyin of Nanshan statue nearby Hainan
  • If possible, visit the highest meromictic lake in the world: Zigetangcuo Lake
  • When entering or leaving China, I’d like to hitchhike across the Blagoveshchensk-Heihe Bridge that connects to Russia. Same for the Khunerjab Pass border crossing to Pakistan
  • Go kayaking on a river, or the sea, or on a lake (suggestions welcome!)
  • See marvelous architecture, such as the Temple of Heaven in Beijing – yep, it’s the wonder of the Chinese civilization in Age of Empires II – and the Songjiang Square Pagoda in Shanghai (I missed it the first time)
  • Find out how to eat vegetarian munchies everywhere. Staying for a long time in Malaysia helped me recognize the character 素 for finding great restaurants
  • Revisit Qingdao with Jonas. He studied there for like four months in 2009. He doesn’t remember how he did it without help like Google Translate

If you know cool places and things to do in China, comment at the bottom of this page so I can always find your suggestions again once I start plotting my return! Tips especially welcome if you are Chinese or lived there for a while

Are you a travel blogger and do you have good posts about China? Drop them in a comment below and I’ll read them!

9 Important Apps to Download Before Your Trip to China

These are the applications we downloaded before we traveled to Shanghai, China. We were in Shanghai on China’s 144-hour visa-free policy. We downloaded these apps and maps in advance of our 5-day Shanghai itinerary. I’m using a Xiaomi phone working on Android and Jonas uses an iPhone with iOS. All apps mentioned in this article are available for free. 2020 update: If you manage to enter China during/after the coronavirus outbreak, it’s likely that you’ll need to download the government-approved COVID-19 tracking app called ‘Health Code’ by Alipay (支付宝健康码). If you have any experiences with this app I’d love itContinue reading

144 Hours in Shanghai: My 5-Day China Itinerary

This is about October/November 2019 when I visited Shanghai for a five-day stopover. This happened from Thursday the 31st of October till Tuesday the 5th of November, 2019. That’s when we flew on to Chiang Mai, Thailand. We traveled to China visa-free with the 144-hour on arrival visa. Though it’s our personal itinerary, this article also contains a wealth of information on things to do and see in Shanghai on your 144-hour visa. Here you can find a handy map of our itinerary and the sights. Here’s a list of must-download apps for your trip to Shanghai or elsewhere in China.Continue reading

Accommodation in Estonia: Booking Homes in Tartu, Tallinn, and Kärdla

What to expect of accommodation in Estonia as a digital nomad? We stayed in Estonia from the 9th of October till the 25th of October, 2023. These are the places we booked to both work online from and have fun day trips. Contents1 Cruiseferry from Mariehamn to Tallinn2 Tartu⭐3 Tallinn: Metropol Hotel4 Tallinn (Catsit)5 Kärdla, Hiiumaa Island⭐6 Unlock the Prices of Accommodation in Estonia7 Wish to share this article? That’s totally fine with me Cruiseferry from Mariehamn to Tallinn Since this bit already appeared in the accommodation in the Åland Islands article, I tucked this one away. But yes, weContinue reading

Accommodation in the Åland Islands: from Eckerö and Kökar to Mariehamn

What to expect of accommodation in the Åland Islands as a digital nomad? These are the places we booked to both have adventures and get some work done. We were in Åland between the 24th of September and the 9th of October. Åland is part of Finland, so read about accommodation in Finland here. Contents1 Eckerö (Couchsurfing)2 Karlby, Kökar Island ⭐3 Mariehamn, Fasta Åland4 Cruiseferry Åland to Estonia5 Unlock the Prices of Accommodation in the Åland Islands6 Useful info about accommodation in the Åland Islands? Please share it! Eckerö (Couchsurfing) We spent our first two nights in Åland couchsurfing withContinue reading

Madagascar for Digital Nomads: A New Frontier

This guide to Madagascar also appears under the Digital Nomads Guides brand Contents1 Why Madagascar?1.1 Introduction to the Red Island1.2 Which Digital Nomads can make it work in Madagascar?1.3 Income + language skills + experience2 Money3 Internet4 Plugs + Power Cuts5 Accommodation5.1 Laundry + services6 Food6.1 Restaurants6.2 (Super)markets6.3 Vegetarian food + dietary restrictions7 Transport7.1 Entering Madagascar7.2 Local transport in the cities7.3 Road/rail transport between cities7.4 Boat travel7.5 Domestic flights8 Business Hours9 Visa10 Culture, Language & Religion11 Safety11.1 Traffic11.2 People11.3 Health11.4 Nature12 Useful Facebook Groups13 Final Words Why Madagascar? Introduction to the Red Island Madagascar is basically its own continent. ThoughContinue reading

Money in Madagascar: the Ariary, Cash, ATMs, Orange Money + MVola

Paying for things in Madagascar isn’t as straightforward as in many other countries. Here’s how to get your hands on fat stacks of Malagasy Ariary, how to use the mobile money apps in the country, and how to identify when people are quoting prices in Malagasy Franc (†2005). Using money in Madagascar is very intertwined with having a Malagasy SIM card, so check out that article as well. Contents1 Intro to The Ariary—Paper Money Only2 Costs and Dual Pricing3 Communicating Prices with Malagasy People3.1 Recognizing when people quote in the old Malagasy Franc (FMG)3.2 When people quote prices in Euros,Continue reading

SIM Card in Qazaqstan: Which is Best?

Qazaqstan or Kazakhstan is a huge country in Central Asia that might pique the curiosity of digital nomads and adventurous travelers. Here’s how to get a SIM card in Qazaqstan and what to expect from the internet situation. Contents1 Intro to Qazaqstan2 Getting a SIM Card in Qazaqstan2.1 TL;DR, which Qazaq SIM card + plan should I choose?2.2 Where to Get a SIM card in Qazaqstan2.3 IMEI Registration2.4 International SIM and eSIM Cards3 Providers in Qazaqstan3.1 Topping up3.2 Activ (basically, same as KCell)3.3 Beeline Qazaqstan3.4 Tele24 My Experience: Purchase + Activation5 Apps6 Qazaq SIM Card Validity7 Tethering8 Internet Freedom inContinue reading

Mauritius and Rodrigues for Digital Nomads: the Complete Guide

This guide to Mauritius and Rodrigues also appears under the Digital Nomads Guides brand Contents1 Why Mauritius?2 Money3 Internet4 Accommodation5 Food6 Transport6.1 Entering Mauritius6.2 Local Transport6.3 Connections between Mauritius and Rodrigues7 Business Hours8 Visa9 Safety10 Culture, Language, & Religion11 Local Opportunities12 Rodrigues Island13 Final Words Why Mauritius? East of Africa in the Indian Ocean is a small archipelago that seeks to attract digital nomads. Mauritius created the premium visa for you to come and open up your laptop to get that money. There are many benefits to choosing Mauritius as your main stay in Africa and the southern hemisphere. BesidesContinue reading

Vegetarian-Friendly Restaurants in Port Mathurin and Beyond

Finding vegetarian food in ‘mainland’ Mauritius is incredibly easy. But is it also possible to maintain a vegetarian diet on the smaller island of Rodrigues? I found out there are quite some restaurants in Port Mathurin and the rest of the autonomous island that serve delicious meatless and fishless foods. Below you’ll find them with a description and a location on the map. These restaurants are in no particular order. All of them are in Port Mathurin unless indicated otherwise. Contents1 What’s the Food Situation in Rodrigues?2 Vegetarian-Friendly Restaurants in Port Mathurin2.1 Rodrigues Friendly2.2 Faratha Chou2.3 Manzé Lakaz2.4 Kafé Rose2.5Continue reading

Arriving in Rodrigues by Plane from Mauritius

This article is about how we finally managed to travel to Rodrigues by plane on the 12th of April, 2022, despite some hurdles. Rodrigues is a smaller island in the Indian Ocean that’s part of Mauritius and much further east of it. It’s autonomous, which is why they’ve closed to international tourism and even domestic travel for about two years during the COVID-19 pandemic. Contents1 The Idea of Visiting Rodrigues2 Booking the Flight + Rodrigues Entry Requirements3 Air Mauritius Flight to Rodrigues3.1 Drive to the airport3.2 Rodrigues departures in Sir Seewoosagur Ramgoolam International Airport3.3 Traveling to Rodrigues on the MauritianContinue reading

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