
This is the page where you’ll find all my blog posts about Spain. I’ve been to Spain an awful lot of times. My absolute first time was when I was a crotch goblin in L’Estartit (Catalunya) with my family, which I don’t remember. Another time right after being house-trained, I went to Tenerife with my grandma—which was tradition.

The first time I went to Spain with some kind of agency was when I was a shopaholic teen with my parents in Barcelona in 2006 or 2007 or something like that. The second time I was barely 18 and I joined one of those horrible teenage bus tours to L’Estartit to get drunk and ‘learn’ Spanish (it was useless) and make a day trip to Barcelona. The third and fourth times (2011 or 2012) I went to Madrid for a weekend to visit my back-then lover who did their Erasmus in Spain.

Planning a Trip to Spain? 🏡
Make sure to book your accommodation ahead of time ⏰ I’ve ended up too many times in mediocre leftover hotels or apartments far away from the action because I had to book last minute…🙄 I always book on Booking or Airbnb because they have the most options 😇 Not quite sure about your trip? Many places offer a full refund a few days before your stay! 💸

In 2015, I hitchhiked from France via the Spanish coast to Andalucía to hang out with family first and then hitchhike on to Tarifa. In Tarifa, I met Jonas for the first time. On our way to South America, Jonas and I rendezvoused in Gran Canaria. On our way back from South America (2017), Jonas and I flew from Bogotá to Madrid, where we stayed for a week to acclimatize to European winter before going to Germany and the Netherlands. In 2018, we drove a scooter around Mallorca during my ‘reflection week’ (i.e. vacation) while I was trying to graduate from university in the Netherlands.

Despite many experiences with many pieces of Spain, I think it’s never a bad idea to return to this European country. That’s why I have a whole list of things I want to do and places I want to see for future trips.

Things I’d Like to Do Next Time in Spain

  • Hitchhike even more with locals. Mainland Spain is a notoriously shit place to hitchhike. The Absolute Worst, if you will. In the north, I almost exclusively hitchhiked with foreigners holidaying through there (Andalucía was better). Next time, I hope to have hacked this and gain the local’s trust
  • Improve my Spanish lisp (my usual Spanish is a delightful mix of Central and South American vocab + pronunciation)
  • On the mainland: visit Basque Country and Galicia (parts I haven’t been to)
  • Plazas de soberanía: visit as many as possible, but at the very least Melilla and Ceuta
  • Balearic Islands: visit Formentera, Mahón, preferably by (sailing) boat (click here to see my Crewbay profile and here’s my Find a Crew profile)
  • Canary Islands: El Hierro, La Gomera, Fuerteventura, and Lanzarote are on my radar. And yes, going up Pico del Teide on Tenerife is also something I crave. From there, I’d love to travel by yacht to Madeira, the Azores, the mainland of Spain/Portugal, Cabo Verde, or Morocco
  • Visit some observatories, such as IRAM 30m in the Sierra Nevada, the Teide Observatory, and Roque de Los Muchachos on La Palma, and others
  • Kayak on the Tejo River. I’d love to hike next to the source in Spain till it becomes deep enough to paddle.
  • Go hiking more, perhaps in the area close to Andorra? (tips for good hiking areas are very welcome!)
  • Visit remote areas, such as the autonomous entity Val d’Aran
  • The exclave of Llívia and Pheasant Island

If you know cool places and things to do in Spain, comment at the bottom of this page so I can always find your suggestions again once I start plotting my return! Si eres español y conoces lugares hermosos o aventureros, por favor, compartelos en los comentarios.

Are you a travel blogger and do you have good posts about Spain? Drop them in a comment below and I’ll read them!

Accommodation in Spain: Stays in Sevilla, Tarifa, Málaga, and Melilla

What can you expect from accommodation in (southern) Spain as a digital nomad? We booked these places getting some work done and doing fun day trips. We were in Spain between October and December of 2024. Contents1 Sevilla: Salotur Thomas de Ibarra2 Tarifa: Moldy House + Foster Kittens3 Málaga: Central + Bright Apartment4 Melilla: Golden Triangle Apartment5 Unlock the Prices of Accommodation in Spain6 Useful info about accommodation in Spain? You may share! Sevilla: Salotur Thomas de Ibarra Duration: two nights. Book this apartment here on Booking The main reason to fly to Sevilla instead of Málaga to get toContinue reading

Yurt-Surfing in Andalucía, Spain

How life gives you awesome people: what began as a spontaneous one-night freecamping invitation after a bad ride, turned into a three-day yurt-surfing adventure with my new friend from Hungary! Turns out she lives at this awesome place hidden in the woods with alternative housing. Housing such as yurts, caravans, and other ‘outdoor furniture’ (Spanish law is strange). The first night I pitched my tent next to her caravan, from where you could even see the Rock of Gibraltar! After that, we crashed at a yurt (i.e. yurt-surfing) at her neighbor’s place, because the winds were too strong. Yurts areContinue reading

A Little Tibet in Spain: Karma Guen Buddhist Center

Oh my, this mountain vista from the stupa of the Karma Guen Buddhist center in Vélez-Málaga is stunning! Yes, I didn’t spontaneously leave Spain for Nepal or Tibet, although I’m hoping to visit in the future. I visited this Buddhist retreat center in Andalucía with my sort of spontaneous Couchsurfing guest from Russia. Lots of the people at Karma Guen are actually Russian, so we received a tour of the place in Russian and English from one of the people that’s involved there. The whole demographics of this center was very international. We got our blessing at the main hallContinue reading

The Sierra Nevada from the Road (Spain)

Dramatic skies, flawless tarmac, and mountains everywhere: the Sierra Nevada in Spain! Just some shit-stains on the window, still it’s a pretty good photo taken through the windshield! Here’s the Google Streetview version, much cleaner:  This day I finished my speed hitchhiking trip towards Málaga in the south of Spain. It was a pretty rough trip of continuous hitchhiking for four days because Spain is just not that easy to get around. The people at the HitchGathering that told me hitchhiking in Spain was difficult spoke truth to power. My lowest point was when I was stuck at a roundaboutContinue reading

How to Get a SIM Card in Mauritania

We traveled a bit around the Islamic Republic of Mauritania in February 2025. To work remotely and stay online while traveling, we got local SIMs. Here’s the process to get your own SIM card in Mauritania. Contents1 Which SIM Card in Mauritania is the Best?2 eSIM for (West) Africa: 36 Countries Including Mauritania2.1 Unvetted: Kolet eSIM3 Moov by Mauritel at the Guerguerat Border Crossing4 Trying to buy Moov by Mauritel, Settling for Mattel5 The One Odd Way You Can Get A Mauritel SIM Card6 SIM Card Exchange Offer at the Senegalese Border7 Mauritanian SIM Card FAQ + Internet Freedom7.1 ShouldContinue reading

How to Get a Moroccan SIM Card

We entered Morocco in December 2024 to stay a few months to travel around. Here you’ll find which Moroccan SIM card to buy, how to get one at a shop, and how to set up an eSIM before you arrive so you’re never offline or lost. Contents1 Which SIM Card in Morocco Should I Choose?2 Moroccan eSIM Before Crossing the Spanish-Moroccan Border3 Moroccan SIM Card Options: Inwi, Maroc Telecom, Orange3.1 Purchasing an Inwi SIM Card in Nador3.2 Buying a Maroc Telecom in Fes4 Moroccan SIM Card FAQ + Internet Freedom4.1 Should I buy a Moroccan SIM card at the airport?4.2Continue reading

Why We Started Catsitting + How to Start Housesitting to Travel

It all started with a cat named Monday. At least, that’s what we called her. And after finding a forever home for her, we wanted to have more cats in our lives without the drama and the tears. More happy stories of beloved felines that receive regular veterinary care. Fewer stories of kittens discarded on a hiking trail or born in a colony on a rooftop. Just taking care of cats for a few days or weeks or months and then handing back the responsibility to their pet parents who missed them dearly and are grateful for the help. ThatContinue reading

Two Days in Sion, Valais (Switzerland)

Between two catsits in Geneva from the 22nd till 24th of May, 2023, we took the train to Sion in the Canton of Valais (German: Wallis) of Switzerland. We spent two wonderful days in the town and the surrounding villages before hitchhiking back to Genthod, Geneva. Contents1 Planning our Visit to Sion2 Train from Geneva to Sion + Checking into the Airbnb3 Valère Basilica + Tourbillon Castle4 The Underground Lake Of Saint-Léonard5 Les Pyramides d’Euseigne Rock Formations6 Hitchhiking with a Swiss in Switzerland (Finally!)7 Thanks for being here, consider buying me a (small) bottle of Valais wine!8 Enjoyed the picturesContinue reading

Walk + Work the Dutch Coastline: the Idea, Long-Distance Hiking Preparations, and Interactive Map

After traveling by hitchhiking for long distances and kayaking a generous portion of the Danube, we felt it was time to return to the basics: feet. As Jonas and I were both born able-bodied, walking was our very first mode of transportation as little shitlings. And now we’d like to experience traveling on foot for a bit. But because our fitness levels for hiking are atrocious, we decided to make the first long-distance hike something easy and flat: the Dutch coastline. Here’s how we planned for this trip. Contents1 Mind of a Hiker2 Famous Long-Distance Hiking Trails3 Mapping the DutchContinue reading

Transitioning from Solo to Couple Travel: Bloggers Share Their Experiences

You’ve read the hashtags #solotravel #coupletravel and might follow some travelers based on these attributes. But what about the people who started out as solo travelers and then found someone? I asked travel bloggers to share their experiences on how the transition to couple travel has changed their travels. Adjusting to a whole other person while adventuring definitely comes with its challenges, disadvantages, and, of course, advantages—otherwise, we wouldn’t do it. Contents1 Kate (+ Partner): Solo to Long-Distance to Couple Travel2 Kerry (+ Jason): Similar Tastes in Travel3 Eloise (+ Ben): Overcoming Fears4 James (+ Kevin): Decades of Travel, NowContinue reading

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