A new question for my Ask Me Anything (AMA)! This person wrote the following message, which doesn’t really have a question, but I was very happy to receive it. She likes that I don’t do much travel planning:
So. OH MY GOD. You are my new hero!!!! I am totally excited for you and I can’t wait till I get a minute to read your whole blog. I have actually never tried hitchhiking before but I want to (I normally travel by motorcycle), and I absolutely love how little you plan and such, as I am the same way, I feel like planning too much is pointless when you want adventure. Keep rocking it girl! Ps I will follow you on all social media.
Here’s my response:
Thank you so much for your message both here and on Facebook! 😀 Yeah, I agree that travel planning often takes a lot of magic away from traveling. I always say I have ideas on my trip, not concrete plans… and then someone still asks “OK, so, what’s your plan?” 😉 Like it’s too hard to imagine being comfortable with whatever. And that changing your mind about something is somehow not fine…
I love love love motorbikes by the way and hope to still learn how to ride one. One day!