
Hello and welcome to the overview page of Kyrgyzstan. If you scroll further down, you will find posts about this country.

Planning a Trip to Kyrgyzstan? 🏡
Make sure to book your accommodation ahead of time ⏰ I’ve ended up too many times in mediocre leftover hotels or apartments far away from the action because I had to book last minute…🙄 I always book on Booking or Airbnb because they have the most options 😇 Not quite sure about your trip? Many places offer a full refund a few days before your stay! 💸

So far, I’ve been to Kyrgyzstan once in April/May/June of 2021. Because this was during the second year of the COVID-19 pandemic, I didn’t hitchhike a lot. I really enjoyed Bishkek and I stayed there for quite a while with Jonas working on some projects. We also traveled to Cholpon-Ata at Issyk-Kul Lake, which was a marvelous place to be. I really hope to return to Kyrgyzstan at a time when I’m not so busy to go hiking. We only received 60 days for a visa and the country is quite a challenge to get from A to B because of the mountains. Here are some highlights from my first visit:

  • Admiring the beautiful Soviet-era mosaics in Bishkek
  • Issyk-Kul Lake and the abandoned airport in Cholpon-Ata
  • Getting my first vaccinations against COVID-19 (Sinopharm: dose 1 and dose 2 in Bishkek)

Valleys nearyb Cholpon-Ata Grigorievskoe Gorge Gigorievka (first lake) Swimming in Lake Issyk-Kul in Cholpon-Ata from a jetty snowcapped mountains Issyk-Kul Lake Kyrgyzstan motorized boat trip

Things I’d Like to Do on a Second Visit to Kyrgyzstan

Though I have a private list of the things I want to see and do on my next visit, here are some highlights from that list:

  • Travel to Osh
  • Go really remote, like the Engilchek area towards the border with China
  • Visit the walnut forest in Arslanbob and chomp on some walnuts

If you know even more cool places and things to do in Kyrgyzstan, comment at the bottom of this page so I can always find your suggestions again! This will also help other travelers to Kyrgyzstan who stumble upon your underrated place/activity

Are you a travel blogger and do you have good posts about Kyrgyzstan? Drop them in a comment below and I’ll read them!

Hey There, Tashkent?! Kyrgyzstan to Uzbekistan (Semi-Live Blog)

These events happened on Saturday, the 26th of June, 2021. We hoped to fly from Manas International Airport (FRU) in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan, to Islam Karimov Tashkent International Airport (TAS), Uzbekistan. I’m trying to update this blog as a sort of semi-live blog while on the move.  Contents1 Saturday, 26th of June: 60 Days Up, Go to Tashkent, Uzbekistan?!1.1 Goodbye, Bishkek1.2 Taxi ride to Manas International Airport1.3 At the airport1.4 Passport control + security1.5 The flight to Tashkent1.6 PCR test check + immigration + customs1.7 The taxi from Tashkent airport to Tashkent city1.8 Our Tashkent Airbnb2 Friday, 25th of June:Continue reading

My First Car Crash in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan

This car crash happened on Wednesday the 9th of July, 2021. There will be some gross generalizations about driving in Bishkek and Kyrgyzstan, but these have been my experiences so far. Some things in Kyrgyzstan are fantastic, while others are crap. Today was crap. And writing is how I process shit. Getting a Yandex Taxi After getting our Sinopharm vaccines translated and notarized at Big Ben Translation, we wanted to go celebrate this. We wanted to go to Craft Bar nearby the Ala-Too square. But first, we made a little detour into the Vefa Center shopping mall. I really wantedContinue reading

Urban Exploring at the Abandoned Airport of Cholpon-Ata, Kyrgyzstan

We stayed in Cholpon-Ata in late May, 2021. Watch the vlog to see me do some urban exploring at the abandoned airport of this town with fantastic vistas of Issyk-Kul Lake. This post contains additional information regarding the questions I had while walking around the abandoned terminal. Cholpon-Ata Airport’s History (Post-)Soviet Airport: Glory Times, Abandonment, Replacement (As any good article starts:) According to Wikipedia, Cholpon-Ata Airport was built somewhere in the 1930s. But it was even less glamorous then than how it was during my visit because it was merely a landing strip. The terminal building and other auxiliary buildingsContinue reading

How to Get a SIM Card in Bishkek, or Anywhere in Kyrgyzstan

When traveling to Kyrgyzstan, it’s a great idea to not save on the wrong end and pick up a SIM card. We did that at the Manas International Airport in Bishkek on arrival. Mobile data is very cheap in Kyrgyzstan. Here’s how to get a SIM card in Bishkek without making the mistakes we made. FYI, the country code for Kyrgyzstan is +996 Contents1 Which Kyrgyz Telecom Company Should I Choose?2 Buying a SIM Card in Bishkek: Manas International Airport3 We Bought the Wrong Package4 Topping Up the Balance at a Machine5 Kyrgyzstan SIM Card FAQ5.1 Is buying a SIMContinue reading

Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan?! Traveling from DXB to FRU (Semi-Live Blog)

After 88 days of 90 allowed days in the UAE, it’s time to leave. Jonas and I chose Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan as the next place to go during this pandemic with limited choices. Follow this post for the coming days to see how things are going. Also, the latest date is always on top. Use the table of contents to skip to the date you want to read about. This is a semi-live blog that I’ll update throughout the journey. I’ll add photos once I’m back on my laptop.  Contents1 Wednesday, 28th of April: Arrived in Bishkek1.1 At the AirportContinue reading

How to Get a Senegalese SIM Card

We entered Senegal in February 2025 and traveled around, with a side quest to the Gambia. Here you’ll find which Senegalese SIM card to buy, how to get one at a shop or from an authorized street vendor, and how to set up an eSIM before you arrive so you’re never offline or lost. Contents1 Which Senegalese SIM Card is Best?2 Senegalese eSIM Before Arrival3 Senegalese SIM Card Options: Orange, Free, and Expresso3.1 Orange SIM cards on offer at the Diama border with Mauritania3.2 Orange SIM card in Saint-Louis4 Senegalese SIM Card FAQ + Internet Freedom4.1 Should I buy aContinue reading

How to Get an Ethiopian SIM Card

We arrived in Ethiopia on the 26th of January, 2023 and immediately bought an Ethiopian SIM card at the airport. Here’s our experience and how you can get mobile data in Addis Ababa and beyond.  Contents1 Ethio Telecom Monopoly2 Buying the Ethiopian SIM Card at Addis Ababa Airport (ADD)3 Where to buy a SIM card in Ethiopia?4 How to top-up your Ethiopian SIM card?5 How to buy a data package?6 FAQ6.1 I’m entering Ethiopia via a land border, where can I buy a SIM card?6.2 Where can I find my own number?6.3 How to check my balance?6.4 Should I downloadContinue reading

SIM Card in Qazaqstan: Which is Best?

Qazaqstan or Kazakhstan is a huge country in Central Asia that might pique the curiosity of digital nomads and adventurous travelers. Here’s how to get a SIM card in Qazaqstan and what to expect from the internet situation. Contents1 Intro to Qazaqstan2 Getting a SIM Card in Qazaqstan2.1 TL;DR, which Qazaq SIM card + plan should I choose?2.2 Where to Get a SIM card in Qazaqstan2.3 IMEI Registration2.4 International SIM and eSIM Cards3 Providers in Qazaqstan3.1 Topping up3.2 Activ (basically, same as KCell)3.3 Beeline Qazaqstan3.4 Tele24 My Experience: Purchase + Activation5 Apps6 Qazaq SIM Card Validity7 Tethering8 Internet Freedom inContinue reading

Getting the J&J Booster Vaccine in Mauritius as a Non-Citizen

This happened on Tuesday the 15th of February, 2022. Jonas and I had an appointment at the Wellkin Hospital in Moka for a booster vaccine. The only vaccine available to us as people under 40 years of age was Johnson & Johnson. This is a European Medicines Agency (EMA) approved vaccine, so this will help us travel in Europe too. Before this, we only had two doses of Sinopharm thanks to Kyrgyzstan. First of, Fuck the European Medicines Agency Secondly, I Was Not Excited about the Booster But it had to be done. Predicting shit during this pandemic is extremelyContinue reading

Bonzur, Mahébourg?! Traveling from Istanbul to Mauritius (Semi-Live Blog)

On the 3rd of December 2021, we’re hopefully flying from Istanbul Airport (IST) in Turkey to Sir Seewoosagur Ramgoolam International Airport (MRU aka Port Louis Airport) in Mauritius. I’m updating this post as we go. If you’re here for the documents checklist to enter Mauritius, click here.    Contents1 Booking Mauritius2 Omicron Variant Enters the Stage3 PCR Test in Edirne + Onward Ticket4 Day of Departure to Mauritius4.1 Packing + Edirne bus station + ride to Istanbul Airport4.2 Can we have boarding tickets, please?4.3 Immigration and security4.4 Mandatory time-wasting before the Mauritius flight4.5 Gate reveal and boarding5 Flying toContinue reading

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