Today is a good day! Six days and six nights after beginning the quest for a boat to hitchhike to Italy, I’ve found a boat with a Lebanese-American couple headed directly to Malta! Freaking Malta! For context: Malta is my target destination all along. I just asked for boats to Italy because I thought it would be a lower bar to pass. Gouvia Marina on Corfu (Greece) has been a success!
I will meet the couple again at 22:00 tonight to also sleep on their boat. At 8:00 tomorrow we should set sail with the boat “Boysterous” 😀 if there are no updates from this account for the next three days it means I’m boathitching to my destination, so don’t worry in that case.
I’m really excited about this great opportunity that has come along after a long day of disappointments. The three Italian guys I talked about earlier set sail this morning without notifying me and two German guys who said they were going to Italy couldn’t take me “because you’re a woman and our wives will get jealous” (?!?!?). The latter was really offensive because apparently, I would be welcome if I was a dude.. their loss! Sometimes you have to go through a rough moment to find your strength again!
#USA #Lebanon #barcastop #Corfu #Greece #Hellas #sailor #sailing #staypositive #happy #icouldcrybutiwont #thelongestride #Valetta #Maltahereicome #gouvia #gouviamarina #stavento (at Stavento Corfu)